Palestinian Corruption — Again If the Palestinian movement believes it lives outside the laws of politics, nature and economics, it may be right. The PA and Hamas occupy a split territory with two feuding governments -- both dictatorships with...

Good News: Worst UN Candidates Defeated in Race to Replace Richard Falk¬oc=1 We have just learned that following UN Watch's campaign exposing and opposing the most biased candidates vying to replace the outgoing Richard Falk -- as the UN's permanent investigator on "Israel's violations of the...


Following publication of “The role of UNRWA in preparing their students for war” in the April 4th edition of Israel Resource Review, The UNRWA press spokesperson, Christopher Gunness, issued a statement that challenge to the...

Iran: The Regional Power behind the Hamas War Effort Vol. 14, No. 23 July 15, 2014 Iran is an arsonist, inflaming the conflicts in the Middle East. Since the 2012 “Pillar of Defense Operation,” Iran has heavily invested in improving the quantity and quality...

The Gaza Water Crisis

Institute for Contemporary Affairs Founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation Vol. 14, No. 27 August 14, 2014 Hamas and the Palestinian Authority in general failed to manage Gaza’s civil affairs. Even prior to the July 2014...

Palestinians’ Dilemma on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount: Opposing Israel or Each Other?

I spoke to several Fatah sources in east Jerusalem on July 17, 2017, as the “metal detector” crisis began to build, and their bottom-line is that they feel they are left alone to defend...

A Note on “Reciprocity” in Very Personal terms from an American-Israeli Mother

Our nation is now embroiled in a fierce and passionate debate about whether or not to unilaterally leave the Security Zone on the Lebanese Border. The issue has of course, taken on greater urgency,...

Watching Palestine Authority TV

Itamar Marcus does not recognize the Yasser Arafat that most Israelis know from their television sets. As the head of the Palestine Media Review, a relatively new nonprofit media outfit that monitors the official...

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency

Like many other UN relief agencies, UNRWA was founded in the midst of a refugee emergency that occurred in the wake of war. The UN organized UNRWA as a special relief agency that was...

Palestinian Anti-Semitism

When General Ghazi Jabali, commander of the Palestinian police, heard about the arrest warrant issued against him by Israel, he said: "This reminds me of Goebbels' methods". The comparison is not surprising if one...