PFLP Ties of the Six Designated Terror NGOs

On October 22, 2021, the Israeli Ministry of Defense designated six Palestinian NGOs as terrorist organizations.  According to the Ministry of Defense, Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-P), Union of Agricultural Work Committees, Al-Haq, Addameer, Union...

A Battle, Not A Massacre

NEW YORK- A pro-Arab lobby group which has always claimed that 254 Arabs died during the 1948 battle of Deir Yassin has quietly changed its story, and now admits that about 100, not 254,...

Does the United States Intend to Pursue Terrorists Who Murder Its Citizens . ....

Since the terrorist bombings at the U.S. Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya mad Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania, President Clinton and officials of his administration have been vehemently proclaiming that terrorists who murder U.S. citizens will be pursued...

Iraq News Update

B. Gilman Introduces Bill to Support Opposition to Saddam, 29th September Robert Kagan, "A Way to Oust Saddam," Weekly Standard, 28th September Iraqi Work Toward A-Bomb, Washington Post, 30th September Israeli Tips Aided UNSCOM, Washington Post, 29th...

Inside the PA Media: 19th November, 1998

An announcement of the Shabiba Movement of the Fatah, which calls for the voting for its list of students in the elections of the Open University of Jerusalem in Gaza. In the announcement appears...

Al-Ahram Weekly: Jordan Rejects Confederation with Arafat

Arafat's Ladder by Graham Usher Heading "With the dust barely settled on his father's grave, last week King Abdullah was confronted with the one issue he almost certainly would have preferred to have stayed buried, at least...

Questions Placed to the “Rabbis for Human Rights”

The Rabbis for Human Rights aims to educate Jews, especially Israeli citizens, that they bear a burden of moral responsibility in the area of human rights and civil liberties, especially in regard to Palestinian...

Can Tyrants Make Peace? A Perspective on the Syrian/Israel Talks in Washington

One of the lessons of the twentieth century that is that a tyrant does not make peace with a democratically elected leader. A dictator views an agreement with a democracy as one of expediency, designed...

When the Palestinian Army Invades the Heart of Israel

Whatever they may have accomplished or failed to accomplish politically, the Oslo accords of 1993 between Israel and Yasir Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization have transformed Israel's security situation in ways that have still not...

Israel Not On Map in Palestinian Textbooks

RAMALLAH, West Bank, Sept. 2 “ After years of sharp debate and bitter recrimination, one of the most delicate and politically loaded documents in the Arab-Israeli dispute was unveiled today amid great ceremony“ and...