Official Palestine Authority Radio – Voice of Palestine, Dec. 8

Summary and Analysis During the morning news, VOP chose to feature the funerals yesterday of two martyrs. The shootings of three Israelis near Qiryat Arba was at first almost ignored (at 8 am), then mentioned...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 3-4

Special Item - PA Announcement - Saturday Night, February 3, 2001 9:10 p.m. "An official spokesman for the Ministry of Information announced that what has been published in the newspapers and in the media regarding...

UNICEF: Why is this Halloween Different from Any Other Halloween?

This year, UNICEF treats you with a new trick against Israel. We all remember UNICEF. That is the agency that provides little boxes for collection on Halloween in order that children around the world should...

The Strategic Implications of the “Right of Return”

Those who stay abreast of middle east news may have been surprised to learn that Palestinian Arabs fired kassam rockets into Ashkelon from Gaza. Since Ashkelon is not located anywhere beyond Israel's 1967 line in...

PLO Takes Credit for Murdering an Israeli Judge

The spokesman for the mainstream organization of the PLO, the Fateh, confirmed that the Fateh indeed takes responsibility for last week's murder of Tel Aviv District Court Judge Adi Azar, the same judge who...

The Implications for Anti-Semitism World Wide

The United Nations has embarked on a dangerous path that could unleash an unprecedented campaign of State sponsored global anti-Semitism which needs to be swiftly denounced and halted in its tracks. This threatening prospect...

PLO Revs Up Themes of “Resistance” and “Anti-Judaization” in Land Day Demos

The Palestinian National Authority (PA) used the "Land Day" Commemoration last week, on March 30th, 2005 to increase the anti-Semitic aroma of its "anti-Judaization" campaign against Israelis and Jews. Official Palestinian media and top officials...

This Week In the Palestinian Authority: Issue Three

Editor's note:Welcome to the third edition of "Inside the PA," a weekly on-line publication designed to provide an open-source and yet valuable insight into the workings of the Palestinian Authority. We will review important...

Are Israel’s Settlements Legal?

Assuming the Middle East conference actually does take place, its official task will be to achieve peace between Israel and its Levantine neighbors in accordance with Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. Resolution 242,...

Ten anti-semitic and/or anti-Israel trends that the Intelligence and Information Center Discerned in the...

Questions put by Israel Resource News Agency to the office of the Prime Minister of Israel as to whether Israel would demand the removal of these books from the head of the Palestinian Authority...