Palestinian Authority Radio sermon broadcast from Al Aqsa Mosque on November 23rd

No message to the Palestinian people is more genuine than the message delivered in the Arabic language on the official Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation, the PBC, which operates out of the Ramallah headquarters of Palestinian...

What’s Really behind the Screaming Headlines about the Arrest of an Octogenarian Spy for...

American engineer Ben-Ami Kadish was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly providing to an Israeli "handler" classified data on nuclear weapons, F-15 fighter jets, and the Patriot missile air defense system. A few important points of...

How Israel is Covered in the Iranian Media

Overview 1. Iranian media and spokesmen continue to demonize Israel, accusing it of complicity with the West in plotting against Iran. The so-called plots pertain both to Iran 's internal affairs (such as the recent...

Palestinian Authority Referred to the terror attack as a “military operation” .

Dr. Michael Widlanski is a specialist in Arab politics and communication whose doctorate dealt with the Palestinian broadcast media. He is a *former reporter, correspondent and editor, respectively, at The New York Times, The...

Four questions for Mahmoud Abbas:PA president needs to explain his duplicitous behavior

Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and historian Harold Brackman is a consultant to the center. In conjunction with his appearance at the U.N. General Assembly and meeting with President...

Abu Mazen’s bag of lies After the round of applause to Abu Mazen who asked the U.N. Security Council for the recognition of the Palestinian State, the Quartet tries to postpone the decision hoping for the procedures and asking...

Al-Qaeda Affiliate -” Jaish al-Islam”- Receives Formal Sanctuary in Hamas-Ruled Gaza Vol. 8, No. 7 Except for Fatah, the other Palestinian terror organizations in Gaza enjoy full freedom of movement under Hamas rule. Offshoots of al-Qaeda in Gaza include Jaish al-Islam (the Army of Islam), the...

Erekat: Arab League stance ‘not something new’ BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- The PLO's top negotiator said Tuesday that a concession by the Arab League that Israel and the Palestinians trade land was already an official position. “This is not something new,” Saeb Erekat...

MARTIN INDYK: THE “OBJECTIVE MEDIATOR” ? Indyk’s record as an objective mediator should be examined. Indyk is generally looked upon as the man who planned the Oslo process that gave Yassir Arafat and the PLO armed control over most of the...

Gaza’s Humanitarian Crisis Is Fake News

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: One of the most widespread myths about Gaza is that it is wallowing in poverty and forever on the verge of a humanitarian crisis as a result of the Israeli and Egyptian...