Full CNN profiles of Netanyahu/Arafat: Worthy of Feedback to CNN

The profiles of Netanyahu and Arafat which are on the CNN web site: http://cnnplus.cnn.com/resources/newsmakers/world/middle.east/netanyahu.html and http://cnnplus.cnn.com/resources/newsmakers/world/middle.east/arafat.html Note: The one time CNN uses the word "terrorist" is about Netanyahu's political movement, with no specifics, no justification for the use...

When Jewish Organizations Research Antisemitism and Delete Mention of the Palestine Authority

In a joint news conference held on April 22, 1998, the day before Holocaust Rememberance Day, the representatives of Stephen Roth Institute of Anti-Semitism at Tel Aviv University, the ADL and the World Jewish...

Palestinian Media since the Wye Agreement

1. The State of Israel as "Occupied Palestine" Terminology that expresses non-recognition of the existence of Israel. Cities of Israel are cities of Palestine. The maps of "Palestine" erase Israel. 2. The Anticipation and Call for the Destruction...

“Say No to Haider” and Say Nothing About Assad and Arafat

The World Zionist Organization this week hired a major public relations firm to mobilize world opinion against the inclusion of the rightist Jorgen Haider in the new Austrian government coalition. The slogan adopted by the...

Pope’s Planned Visit to UNRWA Refugee Camp Portends Disaster

The Pope's planned March 21 visit to the UNRWA refugee camp of Deheishe, just south of Bethlehem, portends disaster. The Pope's intention in his visit to the camp is rooted in his genuine identification with...

The “right of return”: the PLO negotiating position that stalls the process

The most significant decision of the Sept. 13th PLO central committee was barely reported: The absolute and uncompromising Palestinian position that every refugee who left Palestine in 1948 should have the "inalienable right" to...

Official Palestinian Authority Radio: “Voice of Palestine” Dec.19 – Nabil Sha’ath claims Haifa and...

Analysis of Nabil Sha'ath's remarks Nabil Sha'ath's remarks (below) are a strikingly bold and candid exposition of the Palestinian negotiating position, but even more so, they are a window on the mood of the Palestinian...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 30

Summary and Analysis In its Tuesday morning news broadcasts, VOP opened with news of a new Palestinian martyr, while reiterating news of the killing last night of an "Israeli settler," and VOP summed up the...

Is It of Any Concern to the Donor Nations to the Palestinian Authority?

Peace Education Now? While the world media descended on Israel to cover the hard fought Israel prime ministerial election campaign between dovish Labor incumbent Ehud Barak and hawkish Likud challenger Ariel Sharon, the international press...

Official PA radio news – February 7th & 8th

The Palestinian toughened its tone Thursday morning following a cabinet meeting Wednesday night, signaling its demands that Israel-under a Sharon Government-- hold fast to all understandings reached with the Barak government as well as...