Official Palestinian Radio News: The Voice of Palestine (V.O.P.) February 21st

Summary and Analysis The failed Israeli liquidation operation/assassination attempt in Jenin yesterday was the main featured attraction on V.O.P. morning news, with the Palestinian Authority-via Col. Tawfik al-Tirawi-claiming it had frustrated many such assassination...

Even Palestinian crossword puzzles reject Israel

Question: What is the well-known port city of Palestine? If you answered "Gaza," you'd be wrong - it's Haifa, according to crossword puzzles that appear in Palestinian media sources routinely enjoyed by Palestinians of all...

Will US Military Observers Return in Body Bags?

During US Secretary of State Colin Powell's June 28th visit to Israel, Powell announced that the US would dispatch military "observers" to oversee implementation of US-brokered accords between Israel and the PLO. On July...

The PA Condemnation Scam

Israeli television and radio reported Thursday morning that the Palestinian Authority had strongly condemned the terror attack on sidewalk mall in the Israeli city of Rishon Le-Tziyyon, killing two and wounding more than 40. But...

The View of UNRWA Refugee Camp Resident in Jordan: Right of Return…

The official Palestinian newspaper of the Palestinian Authority "A-Sabah" in its last internet issue (Mid-May) gives expression to calls by Palestinian refugees in Jordan for the destruction of the state of Israel. Following are excerpts...

WAKF: Israel Will Be Responsible for the Collapse of the Temple Mount

The Director of the Moslem Wakf administration on the Temple Mount, Adnan el-Husseini, warned on Monday of the danger of the collapse of the Temple Mount. This, he said, is after Israel stopped the...

Sen. Lieberman: Solution here would serve as global model

At a meeting with journalists in Jerusalem yesterday, Democratic Senator Joseph Lieberman recalled a trip he once took to Asia with his good friend, Republican Senator John McCain. On that trip, he received the...

Dennis Ross Declares Tanzim to be Peaceful And Trusts Abu Mazen Like He Trusted...

After a week of violence that followed the Aqaba summit, most Middle East observers are pessimistic about breaking the Israeli-Palestinian stalemate. Yet after a week of extensive discussions with both sides, I believe it's...

A US State Department Middle East Policy Without US Congressional Authorization and Without Public...

The US State Department acts independently of US congressional approval in its implementation of middle east policy, while obfuscating basic facts from the Executive Branch of the US government, leaving the White House and...

An Examination of Public Statements to Dismantle Hamas or Only to Restrain its “Military...

This report carefully documents the public State Dept. position vs. the public White House position regarding the "rehabilitation" of Hamas, which could hardly be more different. With the same consistency that Boucher and Ereli...