Consequences Of A Palestinian Arab State id=1533&sec=3&title=Consequences_Of_A_Palestinian_Arab_State At a time when a Palestinian Arab sovereign state is so widely discussed, very few have taken the time to consider the consequences of establishing such an entity. 1. Encirclement: Will a proposed sovereign Palestine...

JLTV to show US premiere of documentary on controversial United Nations refugee organization on...

JLTV will premiere a stunning new documentary that portrays the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) as an organization dedicated to inciting Palestinian militancy through its educational curriculum and staff in schools and...

Gov’t votes not to renew transfer of PA taxes Palestinian unilateral statehood is as dangerous as terror attacks, Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz said Monday. He defended the security cabinet’s decision to continue to freeze the transfer of tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority. At the...

Suppose Michele Bachmann Is Right? Like the ghosts of Shakespeare's Banquo or Dickens' Jacob Marley, the specter of the late commie-hunting congressman from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy, will always be with us. It is summoned up today, by some on...

Hamas hopeful about future with Morsy After last month's attacks in Sinai that killed 16 Egyptian security officers, questions have loomed over President Mohamed Morsy’s ability to control militancy in the peninsula, which is often held to be connected to...

November 29 “” Next Step of PLO’s Phased Plan

Jonathan D. Halevi, Senior researcher of the Middle East and radical Islam at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs; co-founder of the Orient Research Group Ltd. and is a former advisor to the Policy...

Gaza: Palestinian Rockets Unlawfully Targeted Israeli Civilians (Jerusalem) - Palestinian armed groups in Gaza violated the laws of war during the November 2012 fighting by launching hundreds of rockets toward population centers in Israel. About 1,500 rockets were fired at Israel between...

‘Moderate’ Palestinian President Abbas Praises Dead Terrorists as ‘Martyrs’ An example came earlier this month, when Abbas praised a litany of deceased Palestinian terrorists as martyrs; included in his praise were Hamas founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin, Palestinian Islamic Jihad founder Fathi Shikaki, and...

The Palestinian Textbook Fiasco For years, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been accused of inciting violence by promoting the delegitimization of Israel and its people and, in some cases, even outright anti-Semitism, in its education system. According to...

Netanyahu Answers Abbas’s glowing praise of the Mufti On January 4, 2013, Mahmoud Abbas, spoke via video link on a wide screen to the masses in Gaza, who gathered to celebrate the founding of Fatah, (Arabic for conquest) otherwise known as the...