A Dispassionate View of The Sharon Plan: From Disengagement to Retreat

The Sharon Plan will be voted on in an unprecedented referendum which will take place among the 200,00 members of the Likud Party in Israel this coming Sunday. This is not just an internal party...

The PLO Rejects Any Notion of a West Bank/Gaza State

The Rand Corporation has ignored one basic fact of life: The PLO is at war with the state and people of Israel. The purpose of the PLO is to create a state of Arab Palestine...

38 Years on of Israeli Occupation, Qurei Warns of ‘Explosion’

"Occupied Jerusalem at the Center of Palestinian - Israeli Conflict" On the 38th anniversary of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip Sunday, Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei warned of "an explosion"...

Precondition for Disarming PM Qurei Recommits to Truce, to ‘Smooth’ Israeli Withdrawal

Reconfirming its commitment to the ceasefire on Tuesday, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) rejected Israel's demand and ongoing pressure to disarm anti-Israeli occupation factions as a recipe for Palestinian infighting and civil war, reiterated...

Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation Praises Terror Attack Where an Israeli Couple Was Murdered

JERUSALEM-July 24-- Voice of Palestine radio and Palestinian state television applauded Sunday morning the murder of two Israeli civilians in Gaza Saturday, calling it an act of "resistance" and "holy martyrdom" , and...

Murders on a Bus: Requiem to the Memory of Proportionality

More than 27,000 Arab terror attacks have taken place against Israeli citizens over the past five years, in the so-called second "intifada", the Arabic term for "casting off" of Israel. with a toll of...

Free Marwan Barghouti To Counter Power of Hamas

During the mid-1990s, Marwan Barghouti and his close friend Qaddoura Fares initiated a number of meetings with representatives of the Israeli peace camp. They presented themselves as people committed to turning the Oslo process...

“Palestinian Politically Correct Anti-Semitism”

Scheduled to be delivered as a paper in the seminar series at the Fuchsberg Center for Conservative Judaism, 4 Agron Street, Jerusalem, Israel, on January 9th, 2006. Before delving into the difficult content of tonight's...

Towards the Canadian Elections: Canadian External Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew Answers Palestinian Policy Questions

Last May, a Canadian subscriber to Israel Resource News Agency's news service wrote to Pierre Pettigrew, the Canadian External Affairs Minister, to inquire about Canadian policy towards the Palestinians, and recently got a detailed...

A Public Apology to Steven Spielberg:

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3220223,00.html About two months ago, I published remarks about Steven Spielberg's new movie, Munich: "The movie Munich, produced by, Steven Spielberg, represents the ultimate of moral equivalency, since it equates the 'human interest' story of PLO...