Commentary: Teddy Kollek, Rumors, and more

Teddy Kollek, whose name was synonymous with Jerusalem for over 25 years, died on Tuesday at 95; he was laid to rest today in the Mount Herzl cemetery. Jerusalem's mayor from 1965 to 1993,...

Commentary: In the Aftermath of the Palestinian Unity Government

Well, the Palestinian National Council approved the new unity government today, with 83 votes out of 87 council members participating. (There are 132 seats in the legislature, but 41 members are in Israeli prisons.)...

Commentary: Saudi Plans…

The Saudi government seems to be ever so quietly knifing the Bush administration in the back. I wrote last week about a piece by Dore Gold in which he said that the Saudis have...

Israeli Intelligence Think Tank Attacks UK for Providing Sanctuary to Hamas

Just a short time after outgoing British Prime Minister Tony Blair assumed the role of Middle East envoy, The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in Herzelia, Israel,,, considered the "public face of Israeli...


11/26/2007 "The Annapolis Summit Has Begun" Jerusalem - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert arrived in the U.S. yesterday and said that Israel would take a positive view of Syrian participation in the Annapolis conference and negotiations...

Hamas. Abu Mazen and the Cease Fire

The Hamas-Israeli ceasefire agreement in Gaza (tahdi'a; lit. “calmingâ€Â), together with the decision by Palestinian Authority President Mahmud Abbas (Abu Mazen) to renew the “national dialogueâ€Â with Hamas, inaugurated a new and promising phase...

Showdown on J Street: As J Street’s major conference approaches, some pointed questions for...

Lenny Ben-David worked for AIPAC until 1997. He later served as a diplomat
in Israel's embassy in Washington. Today, he is a public affairs consultant and blogs at

Review of First Screening of FOR THE SAKE OF NAKBA Published on June 10, 2010 Hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are sunk annually into the coffers of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), an...

These Talks Are Doomed

Mona Charen is a syndicated columnist and political analyst living in the Washington, D.C., area. Mona Charen received her undergraduate degree at Barnard College, Columbia University, with honors.... read more Mona Charen also holds a...

“Delegitimization and Defense”

"Delegitimization and Defense" The queries/comments of a couple of readers has motivated me to return to the whole issue of delegitimization and how Israel handles herself. A clarification is in order: We must stand for what...