New Palestinian Poll Shows Hardline Views, But Some Pragmatism Too A reliable new West Bank/Gaza public opinion survey conducted on June 15-17 -- the only such poll since the current kidnapping crisis began -- shows that Palestinian popular attitudes have hardened considerably on long-term...

Norway Embraces Islamist Tyranny Anti-Semitism in Norway, where I have lived for twelve years, is over the top. I have never quite gotten used to it. Every now and then I hear or read something that reminds me...

A Nigun in My heart

Writing this  a few days after the yaarzeit of my friend and teacher Elchonon Devor.  Sitting  at my desk in Jerusalem , in  awe of a man whose modesty encompassed him. There is a smile on...

“We are Fighting Nazis”: Genocidal Fashionings of Gaza(ns) After 7 October

On 31 October 2023, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, wore a Judenstern (“Jew’s star”) while addressing the United Nations Security Council. His provocative adornment of the patch, a symbol of the genocidal marking...

Hamas Chief Rantisi

Suicide attacks prevent massacres of Arabs. Israel's occupation of Palestine will end when the Arabs and Muslim world are strong. Excerpts from interview: "When Mr. Arafat kissed me, it was a routine kiss, not a political kiss",...

Injustice and Mockery Characterize Arafat’s “RULE” LAW

Today, 19th January, 1998, the Palestinian State Security Court met at the Military Court Headquarters in the Office of then Governor of Jericho to try Nasser Abu Arrous and Jasser Salaami'. Following a closed...

Commentary on Claimed Change to Palestinian Charter

When President Clinton's national security adviser, Sandy Berger, said before the Netanyahu/Arafat visits to Washington that "this is the time for tough decisions", I assumed he had both parties in mind. Unfortunately, comments coming out...

Making the Palestine Authority More Palatable for the Israeli Public to Swallow

On June 3, 1998, the US state department removed the PLO from the list of terrorist organizations. There was no response from the Israeli government. Indeed, Israel state radio reported the item only twice,...

Official Media of the Palestine Authority, November 15, 1998

Excerpts from Arafat's Speech in Ramallah: Narrator quoting Arafat: "We are building our state, piece by piece and will continue until our state is established and Holy Jerusalem is its capital. We are only a...

Official Fatah Website: Clinton Letter Not Balfour Declaration – 181 & 194 Basis

The following editoral from the official Fatah website has several important statements: 1. The Clinton letter is not a 'Balfour Declaration'. 2. Rather than 242 and 338, the PLO will base future demands on 181...