Syria, Egypt Trying To Protect Terror Groups, Israeli Lawmaker Says

Both Egypt and Syria are making efforts to protect terrorist groups and their infrastructure from the global war on terrorism, an Israeli lawmaker said here. As part of that effort, Egypt did its utmost to...

“Angst and Resolution”

From the start of this war, I was determined not to criticize the government, as long as it proceeded to do the right thing -- never mind that our actions in our self-defense were...

“Fighting That Persistent Lie”

We might have expected WikiLeaks exposure to kill it: the Obama claim that cooperation with Arab states was dependent upon an Israeli-Palestinian negotiated peace. But here we have it again, in somewhat different, and more...

Why is the Shuafat Refugee Camp Seething?

At a time when the issue of Palestinian refugees surfaces on the agenda of the peace process, a visit to the one Palestinian refugee camp in Jerusalem can provide you with some understanding of...

Fatah and Hamas Lie to Their People Over the past five years, Hamas and Fatah have lied many times to their people about ending their power struggle, which has resulted in the creation of two separate Palestinian entities in the West...

Press Conference by Minister Louis Farrakhan of Nation of Islam

The Secretary-General was successful in his efforts to avert a catastrophe that could have affected the whole world because he spoke on behalf of the Security Council and also because he listened to the...

ICSR Insight: Up to 11,000 foreign fighters in Syria; steep rise among Western Europeans Since ICSR published its first estimate in April, the issue of foreign fighters in Syria has become a major concern for Western governments. More reports have emerged since, though few have accurately gauged the...

UN Textbooks in Palestinian Schools Strongly Anti-Israel, Anti-U.S. 33/10714-un-textbooks-in-palestinian-schools-strongly-anti-israel-anti-us Textbooks provided by the United Nations Refugee and Works Agency (UNRWA) to Palestinian schools have been found to contain strongly anti-Israeli and anti-American sentiments. Experts testified on the content of the textbooks last Wednesday...

Hamas, Internal Strife, Old Film Clips on PBC TV Against Israel

June 17, 2005 The official Palestinian Authority (PA) media has been giving small coverage to Palestinian-Israeli meetings (June 15/June16), describing the meetings sparingly , occasionally positively (PBC Television June 15/16). Reports on preparations for a summit...

The U.N.’s Child Death Cult Education Following our center’s March 13 presentation at the British Parliament concerning the indiscretions of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) education, Sir Peter Luff, MP for Mid Worcestershire, requested concrete evidence that would...