38 Years on of Israeli Occupation, Qurei Warns of ‘Explosion’

"Occupied Jerusalem at the Center of Palestinian - Israeli Conflict" On the 38th anniversary of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip Sunday, Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei warned of "an explosion"...

Ushering in a New Era in the IDF: Dependence on Air Force Capability

The retirement of Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Moshe Ya'alon ushers an Israeli doctrine that plays down the Palestinian insurgency and envisions air power as the leading element against ground threats Israeli defense sources as...

From Evil, Make Good

One-and-a-half million innocent individuals were murdered. Women were raped and children were tortured. The survivors are few, the pain is great. But even ninety years after the Armenian Genocide, in which Armenians were systematically...

Abbas Takes Tough Line on Final Status and on Interim Israel Withdrawal

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas asserted that he and the Palestinian leadership would not accept anything less than a total return to the frontiers of June 4, 1967, the Palestinian media reported Wednesday. "We will not...

Russian Supply of Missiles to Syria

Russian Sale of Missiles to Syria TEL AVIV -- Russia said the sale of its anti-aircraft missiles to Syria would reduce Israeli air force missions over that Arab country. The Russian assessment has been shared...

2 Helicopters and 50 APCS

Next week, Russian President Vladimir Putin will land in Israel for an historic visit, while Russian involvement in the region, which has been criticized many times by Israel, continues at full speed. In the...

Israel’s Suicidal Policy

The movement within Israel to hold a referendum on Prime Minister Sharon's "Disengagement" plan has fizzled now that the Knesset has voted solidly against it. Efforts to bring the government down by blocking the...

Consequences Ignored by Israeli Government?

The movement within Israel to hold a referendum on Prime Minister Sharon's "Disengagement" plan has fizzled now that the Knesset has voted solidly against it. Efforts to bring the government down by blocking the...

A Security Error of Historical Magnitude

Strategic Assessment Volume 7, No. 3, December 2004 Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University The Aims of the Disengagement Plan On April 18, 2004, the Israeli government issued a general outline of its proposed unilateral disengagement...

Islamic Jihad Plan to Fire Rockets at Afula

This week Islamic Jihad was in the headlines and not only because of the terror attack at the Tel Aviv nightclub on Friday night. ... Terror attacks planned by the organization that were no less...