Danger of Foreign Troop Intervention in Jerusalem

The latest panacea for Middle East peace, now gaining momentum, is the dispatching of foreign troops whose dual task would be to create a Palestinian Arab state and mitigate Arab terror. Foreign troops would...

Does the Palestinian Authority official media prepare their people for war against the US?

It would indeed seem that the official Palestinian Authority media has been increasing their enmity toward the United States. The sentiment could be seen particularly during the sermons broadcast on PA radio and television. On...

Sen. Lieberman: Solution here would serve as global model

At a meeting with journalists in Jerusalem yesterday, Democratic Senator Joseph Lieberman recalled a trip he once took to Asia with his good friend, Republican Senator John McCain. On that trip, he received the...

Inside the Palestinian Authority Media: The Baghdad-Ramallah Connection

For months, the Palestinian Authority has tried to play down its support for Iraq. PA approval for the regime of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and his efforts to conceal weapons of mass destruction from...

The Question No Candidate in the Israeli Elections Wants to Answer: Must Israel End...

This article was written by a veteran American correspondent based in Israel who asked that his name not be used. Israeli politicians love to talk and the rhetoric during the current campaign for Knesset elections...

Abba Eban: the June 1967 map represented Israel’s “Auschwitz” borders

When Abba Eban, appeared at the United Nations following the Six Day war, Israel's foreign minister, he described the fragility of Israel's 1949-1967 map as Israel's "Auschwitz" lines. Abba Eban, who died on November 17,...

UNICEF: Why is this Halloween Different from Any Other Halloween?

This year, UNICEF treats you with a new trick against Israel. We all remember UNICEF. That is the agency that provides little boxes for collection on Halloween in order that children around the world should...

Rabin’s Last Notes Discovered: Revelations of US Dictated Withdrawal from the Golan

Even now, two years after her death and seven years after he was assassinated, the apartment of Yitzhak and Leah Rabin still exists, preserved, kept up, furnished and appointed as though nothing had happened....

“Between Palestine and Hamastine”

"Our situation is firm, we are expecting an upheaval." This was the closing sentence of the latest report sent from Hamas headquarters in the territories to the headquarters in Syria. The strengthening of Hamas...

Rosh Hashanah: A Newsman’s Perspective

This is a year which began as I scrambled to get on a plane back to Israel in time for Rosh HaShanah, after being stuck in New York at the time of the September...