Sharon’s Statement on Czechoslovakia: Background

On Thursday,German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer telephoned Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Fischer was excited, and told Sharon: "I spoke with Bashar Assad. He told me that Syria has always been against terror. You have...

UNRWA Director Peter Hansen Opposes Solving Palestinian Refugee Problem

Full Text: UNRWA feels the pinch of the siege The United Nations Relief and Works Agency has for the past 51 years afforded support for the Palestinian people, moving its headquarters from Geneva to Gaza...

U.S. Proposes Removing Syria From Terror List

U.S. Proposes Removing Syria from Terror List WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration has proposed removing Damascus from the State Department's list of terrorist sponsors if Syria joins a U.S.-led coalition against Saudi billionaire fugitive...

Israel Foreign Minister Shimon Peres: Oslo Process Cannot be Erased

The Oslo Process was a moral and a Jewish choice. The late Yitzhak Rabin and I went to Oslo for moral reasons: not because we had no choice, not out of weakness, but with...

Terror Expert Prof Ariel Marari

Prof. Ariel Marari, a leading world expert on terror and political violence, who has held a series of key positions relating to world terror, tried to confront the question of questions this week: how...

Witness to Terror: Watching the World Trade Center Implode and Listening to Security Sources...

The terror at the Twin Towers caught me in Lower Manhattan, where I was giving briefings on how the PLO, the seemingly legitmated peace partner with Israel, had incorporated the Hamas and Islamic Jihad...

Interview with Egyptian Acting Ambassador to Israel

When they say that the war in our region is bad for tourism, they don't mean the Intifada's negative effect on India. And still, for over a year, there are some officials in the...

Racism, Genocide and Politicide in Syrian Textbooks

Introduction To use the term "anti-Semitism" would be understating the degree of hostility displayed in Syrian school textbooks towards Jews and Israel. Professor Bernard Lewis defines anti-Semitism as an unprecedented degree of hatred which is...

“Sending Our Son Off to War”

This week we accompanied our first born son, Noam, to the IDF army recruitment center in Jerusalem, where he was inducted into an IDF combat unit, with three months of basic training lying ahead...

General Sharon on the Ground

This week Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was reminded of an officer by the name of Amnon Schwartzburg, a member of Kibbutz Beit Alpha, whom he had recommended for a favorable citation after the paratrooper...