Iranian airlift sends more arms to Hezbollah – via Damascus Int’l Airport

Iran has transfered hundreds of tons of weapons, ammunition and other materials to the Hezbollah through Syria in recent days, according to reliable sources. The deliveries were airlifted in by giant Antonov 124 transport...

Fatah Website Editorial: Coordination Between “National and Islamic Forces”

Official Fatah Website Editorial: Sharon's Instinctive Aggression Sharon's Instinctive Aggression It can be said that the successive American administrations have made a number of foolish acts out of arrogance in their attempts to impose...

Hamas Weekly: Syria and Heads of Lebanese Christian Forces Should be Tried for Sabra...

Saleh Al-Na'ami, a senior political commentator for the Hamas weekly, Al-Risala, related in its latest issue to the BBC/Panorama program about Sharon. Contrary to the consensus in the Arab media, Al-Na'ami states that the...

Where Are Arafat’s Secret Accounts?

In the early morning hours of Friday,April 20, a group of armed masked men knocked on the door of the home of Jawad el-Russein in Abu Dhabi. El-Russein, the PLO treasurer, opened the door...

Are Israel’s Settlements Legal?

Assuming the Middle East conference actually does take place, its official task will be to achieve peace between Israel and its Levantine neighbors in accordance with Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. Resolution 242,...

“Peace Now” Delegation Visits with Arafat

At 11:30 a.m. yesterday, an assistant to PA Chairman Yasser Arafat came into his office in Gaza, carrying a small note. Arafat, without glasses, carefully read the note. Then he turned the note over...

Arafat’s Corruption: the Source of Palestinian Suffering?

According to surveys by the research center of the Israeli Yad Tabenkin, the West Bank per capita gross domestic product (GDP) before the Oslo accord in 1993 was approximately $3,500, and in Gaza, about...

Official Palestinian Radio News: The Voice of Palestine (V.O.P.) March 4th. Preparing for the...

The Voice of Palestine has been gearing up to the Feast of Sacrifice Monday. There were live interviews from the pilgrimage site in Arabia, and there has been a general increase in the Islamic...

Seven Years of Arming the PLO

The State of Israel has armed its enemies. After six years it is still difficult to digest this. It is hard to believe that by its own hand,Israel built up a hostile military force and...

Official PA radio news P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 18th

Summary and Analysis, Sunday February 18 Moving into its Sunday coverage, The Voice of Palestine re-affirmed and extended reportage on three matters likely to affect regional picture in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Gulf: Improved Palestinian...