The evidence for Syrian chemical weapons use crumbles Now we learn that President Obama may be second-guessing his “decision’ to launch military action - that Secretary of State John Kerry insists is not “going to war” - to punish Syria for a...

Are Non al-Qaeda Syrian Rebels ‘Moderate’?,%202013,%20GLORIA%20Newsletter For elected representatives and the public to have the necessary discussion regarding action in Syria, it is crucial that a clear picture of the realities on the ground in Syria be presented. Regarding the Assad...

ICT Report: Syrian Chemical Weapons – The Terrorism Threat +The possibility of transfer of chemical weapons to the Lebanese terrorist organization is realistic + The Assad regime could decide in certain conditions to provide chemical weapons to its proxy Palestinian organizations + The...

Israel’s secret doctors To help refugees from the Syrian war, Israeli doctors and aid workers must do their work furtively. When they go into refugee camps in Jordan, they change clothes so that they can fade into...

Sanction Germany: Supplier of WMD Technology to Syria Recent chemical warfare developments in Syria bring to mind the study, written by a US investigator, Kenneth Timmerman, “Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Cases of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Libya,” which was hand delivered...

Failed Foreign Policy Warfare is a very serious business whose first imperative is to deploy force to win - rather than to punish, make a statement, establish a symbolic point, or preen about one's morality. Yet, these latter...

A United States Attack on Syria: Implications for Israel INSS On Wednesday, August 28, 2013, President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron affirmed that a chemical weapons attack had taken place in Syria the previous week and "there was no doubt that...

Linking Targets to Political Objectives in Syria As Washington moves toward punitive action in Syria, the resultant military operation will presumably take one of two forms: either token strikes aimed at restoring the credibility of U.S. "redline" statements, or a serious...

US Military Intervention in Syria: The Broad Strategic Purpose, Beyond Punitive Action Until the publication of reports that Bashar Assad’s army carried out a large attack using chemical weapons in an eastern suburb of Damascus, Washington had not seriously considered military intervention in Syria. In light...

Turning Point: Obama and Israel, The Next Three Years It is not every day that one can announce a shift in world history, but this day is today. And we are now in a new era in the Middle East and the world....