The war against the Jews The sustained anti-Israel de-legitimization campaign is a corollary of the millenarian obsession with the Jews in the Christian and the Muslim worlds. Since Israel is the world's only Jewish state, and since Zionism is...

Egypt Fully Remilitarizing Sinai – with U.S. Help Egypt has moved forces into the Sinai beyond what was agreed to in the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty. Getting them in wasn't that difficult - Israel agrees that security in the Sinai has deteriorated. Getting...

PIPES: Stay out of Syria Bashar Assad ’s wretched presence in the presidential palace of Damascus may, contrary to Western assumptions, do more good than harm. His murderous, terroristic and pro-Tehran regime is nonideological and relatively secular; it staves...

The war against the Jews The sustained anti-Israel de-legitimization campaign is a corollary of the millenarian obsession with the Jews in the Christian and the Muslim worlds. Since Israel is the world's only Jewish state, and since Zionism is...

Getting Priorities Wrong in Egypt and Syria: Three Media Case Studies As I lie here waiting for the gurney to take me into the operating room and reading the hundreds of kind letters from so many of you, I hope to fill in your time...

Canada must fight Iranian incitement to genocide When Prime Minister Harper meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Ottawa this week, the Iranian nuclear threat - which is dominating international discussion along with the crisis in Syria - will no doubt...

Israel Sees 30-Day War With Iran Israel has assessed that it must prepare for a month-long war with Iran and its proxies. Israeli military and intelligence community have discussed a range of scenarios of war between Iran and the Jewish state....

CIA Warns Of Israeli Intel On Iran

The U.S. intelligence community has been warning against relying on information on Iran provided by Israel. A former senior CIA official has warned that Israel could be skewing intelligence as part of its campaign for...

The Fate of Syria’s Chemical and Biological Weapons EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Israel has good reason to fear that Syria’s chemical and biological weapons arsenal could fall into the wrong hands - to terrorist elements within Syria, to an even more hostile Syrian regime,...

Brussels’s Hezbollah Blinders When terrorists struck in Bulgaria last month, killing five Israeli tourists and a Bulgarian bus driver, Jerusalem immediately accused Hezbollah and its Iranian paymasters of the crime. Tehran and Hezbollah, as always, denied it....