Israel’s Settlers Are Here to Stay WHATEVER word you use to describe Israel’s 1967 acquisition of Judea and Samaria - commonly referred to as the West Bank in these pages - will not change the historical facts. Arabs called for...

Obama Campaign Downplays Syria, Soft-Pedals Iran Former Obama administration officials were tightlipped about the escalating violence in Syria and declared that there is “time and space” to negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program during a press call organized by...

Will the Rebels Win Syria’s Civil War and What That Means The tide seems to be turning in Syria. While the civil war is far from over, the regime is clearly weakening; the rebels are expanding their operations and effectiveness. There have also been more...

Why Iran’s targeting Israelis abroad Yesterday's terror attack on an Israeli tour bus in Bulgaria could lead to war. The bomb killed at least six and wounded 32 others. Israeli officials quickly accused Iran and its Lebanese terror arm, Hezbollah,...

Moment of Truth Approaching in Damascus The Free Syrian Army has shifted to an offensive in Damascus and Aleppo. Over the last three days the Free Syrian Army, the umbrella body of the rebel forces, has changed its approach in fighting...

The Role of Iranian Security Forces in the Syrian Bloodshed Amid the intensifying crisis in Syria, which in recent weeks has seen massacres of the civilian population in various parts of the country, Iranian military, propaganda, and economic assistance keeps flowing in, and its...

Rubin Reports: Israel is in Good Shape Because So Many Others Decided Not to... The more I think about Israel’s security situation at this moment, the better it looks. Obviously, this is counter-intuitive given the media bias, academic distortions, and campaigns for sanctions of various kinds. And, of...

The Donkey, the Camel and the Facebook Scam: How the Muslim Brotherhood Conquered Egypt... Raymond Stock, former Visiting Assistant Professor of Arabic and Middle East Studies at Drew University (2010-11), and Guggenheim Fellow (2007), lived in Cairo for 20 years (1990-2010). He was denied entry and deported by...

Lessening UNRWA’s damage Critics of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the organization tasked with oversight of Palestine refugees, have tended to focus on its sins. Its camps are havens for terrorists. Its bureaucracy is bloated...

The End of the Beginning in Syria: The Obstacles to Reaching a Negotiated Settlement Following the recent downing of a Turkish reconnaissance jet by Syrian anti-aircraft, the international community, this time through NATO, is once again debating what course of action should be taken with respect to Syria....