President Barack Obama promised that his election meant not only "hope and change" for America but for the world, especially the Middle East. President Obama criticized America's past actions while touting his own Islamic...

Turkey, the Global Muslim Brotherhood, and the Gaza Flotilla

CONCLUSIONS 1. The Gaza Flotilla Was Supported by the Turkish Government There is strong evidence for Turkish governmental involvement in the Gaza flotilla incident, including the office of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan. As this report demonstrates, Turkish government...

Aboriginal Rights of the Jewish People

A discussion about a moral and legal requirement to peacefully reconcile the subsequent rights of the newly-emerged Palestinian People with the prior rights of the ancient Jewish People. IntroductionDenying or minimizing Jewish rights is an...

The “Two-State Delusion” I: Who Wants a “Two-State Solution”?

Following the U.S. lead, the near universal consensus appears to be that the Arab-Israel conflict can be resolved only by the establishment of a Palestinian State in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and...

The Two State Delusion II: What Right Do The Jews Have To A Sovereign...

Relevant History in Brief In 1922, following the Allied victory in World War I, the organized international community of the time, the League of Nations, with the special concurrence of the U.S. (not a member),...

The Two-State Delusion III :The “Strategy of Stages” and a Concocted Arab Narrative

After 1948, when five Arab armies were defeated in their avowed “War of Extermination” against the greatly outnumbered nascent Jewish State, Jordan illegally occupied Judea and Samaria, the West Bank, and Egypt controlled Gaza....

The Two State Delusion V: Critical Realities:Fatah and Hamas

Quite apart from the intrinsically contradictory fundamental approach that would beset any Arab-Israel negotiations for a “Two-State Solution”, there is another basic problem. The Arabs are divided in two hostile camps. Fatah (P.L.O.) controls...

Next Flashpoint in Mideast Could Be Gas Fields Off Mediterranean Coast: Dispute With Lebanon...

UNITED NATIONS - The next flashpoint in the Middle East could be the gas fields off Israel's Mediterranean coast, where the discovery of large cashes of natural gas is raising homes that Israel could...

(Rejecting the Notion of the “Iranian-supported Gaza Regime”) Thanks to International Aid, Gaza Is...

http://www.gloria-center.org/gloria/2010/12/gaza-going-to-be-well-off-islamist-republic The Gaza Strip is doing really well economically and the Hamas regime seems set to go on forever. It's raking in the aid money but every dollar and every project is shaped to ensure...

The Palestinian Refugees on the Day After “Independence”

The gap between Israel and the Palestinians on the refugee question cannot be reconciled. The Palestinians demand a "just peace," which implies recognition of the right of return according to their interpretation, and rejects...