Saudi Initiative – based on flooding Israel with Arab refugees from 1948 – along...

Saudi Initiative - based on flooding Israel with Arab refugees from 1948 - along with their descendents This week, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu praised the nation of Bahrain for endorsing the Saudi Peace Initiative, also...

Top Obama aide invites head of terrorist-linked org to join administration task force

A top aide to President Barack Obama provided a keynote address at last weekend's 46thIslamic Society of North America (ISNA) national convention, a gathering that attracted thousands of people and also featured anti-Semitic, homophobic...

Hamas Expands Military Academy

Hamas has expanded operations of its military academy as part of an effort to produce a trained cadre of officers. The Abdullah Azzam Academy, located in the central Gaza Strip, has received additional funding and recruits in...

Missing major questions] Analysis: Netanyahu’s demilitarized state

The huge issues surrounding Netanyahu's demilitarized state are not how many and what gizmos the PA "security forces" can have. The big questions are: #1. Who decides there is a violation? It sounds like Israel would agree to...

Syrian/Egyptian Military Deployment in Gaza?

U.S.Egypt and Syria push for deployment of Arab armies in Gaza Strip Egypt, Syria increase pressure on Hamas to seal agreement with Fatah By Akiva Eldar Haaretz Last update - 01:12 16/06/2009 Egypt and Syria have...

The Middle Eastern Cold War

There are many cracks in the Arab Street.

A cold war is "the key to understanding the Middle East in the 21st century." So argue Yigal Carmon and three of his colleagues at the Middle East Media and Research Institute (MEMRI) in a recent study, "An Escalating Regional Cold War."They have identified a major confrontation that the media has somehow missed - and which is the more important for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's just having been re-designated as president of Iran.

A Castle For All Seasons

The history of the Jewish, Medieval Catholic and Muslim rule in the Holy Land and the ongoing fight for control is encapsulated by one site perched on the shore in the Town of Tiberius...

A review of Middle East Rules of Thumb by Professor Steven Carol (Universe 2008)

During the course of the 20th century, and especially in the years since the 1967 Six Day War, there has been a dramatic change in the academic and popular historiography of the Middle East. The...

Olmert’s Legacy

Israel's daily newspaper, Yediot Aharonot, has revealed details of the meeting held between outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and U.S. special envoy George Mitchell. In the meeting Mr. Olmert detailed commitments that he had...

Analysis: The IDF War in Gaza

"It Smells" Still last night I had a bit of a "wait and see" attitude: We're still in Gaza, if Hamas hits us we may start again. Who knows. Well, now we know. Hamas has just...