Jewish Group Calls On Obama To Cancel Carter Convention Speech

There is an unwritten rule that synagogues in the United States do not intervene in partisan American politics. On Thursday, one of the largest synagogue organizations in the United States, the National Council of Young...

Insight Behind the News in Israel

Posting: August 8, 2007 "Tisha B'Av" Immediately upon the close of Shabbat tomorrow night begins Tisha B'Av (the ninth of the month of Av), a day of Jewish national mourning because it is the day on...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: July 31, 2008 "Just Suppose" Political predictions are never written in stone, and certainly I make no claims that what I'm about to write here is anything other than a speculation. But I think it's...

Olmert Did Not Yet Resign: He Holds On to the Reigns of Power

Even as the Israeli Prime Minister announces his intent to resign, he acts as if he will make himself indispensable to the country, while he recruits Diaspora Jews to his cause. After all, when a...

“Obama’s Visit & Policies”

Obama's whirlwind tour of Israel is completed, and I find that readers are seeking comments on that visit. He did it all right while here: Visiting Yad VaShem (the Holocaust Memorial -- required stop...

An Israeli Watershed: Strike on Syria

Summer 2008, pp. 57-62 On the morning of September 6, 2007, Israel Air Force (IAF) planes penetrated deep into Syrian airspace and attacked a nuclear facility near the town of Dayr al-Zur in the northeastern...

Israeli POW’s Murdered in Captivity: A War Crime

The time has come for the face the fact that two Israeli POW's were murdered in captivity. Exactly two years ago, a few days after Goldwasser and Regev were captured, the Israel government cabinet secretary...

Incisive Commentary on Events in Israel

Posting: July 11, 2008 "Still Iran" Iran remains very much in the news -- and with solid reason. No one -- except the parties both here and the US who are directly involved -- know exactly what's...

Palestinian Tractor-Terrorism: Mainstream Not Renegade

1. Hate-Education-Driven-Terrorism. The July 2, 2008 Palestinian Tractor-Terrorism constituted a precise Palestinian human-missile, guided by Palestinian hate-education, instituted in 1994 by Abu-Mazen, then Arafat's first deputy, and proliferated via Abu Mazen's current educational-religious-media infrastructures....

Golan Retreat promoter Liel: Syria would drop Iran if USA would arm it to...

Syria 'would break links with Iran' if America steps in to help it By Carolynne Wheeler in Jerusalem Sunday Telegraph (UK) Last updated: 12:11 a.m. BST 06/07/2008 Syria is ready to break off its...