Incisive Commentary

Posting; March 5, 2008 "Could Be Worse" The situation is not exactly wonderful, but truly something much worse than what we're seeing right now might have developed. Condoleezza Rice has left. After meeting with Tzipi Livni today,...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: February 27, 2008 "More?!" Over 40 Kassams were launched from Gaza today. Hamas has claimed credit for this barrage. One rocket hit in Sderot near Sapir College, killing student Ronnie Yechiya, who was the father of...

Protecting Our Children: A Plan of Action to Deal with Mass Arrests of Supporters...

The Threat: Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, saved by the United States from his domestic rivals in wake of the Winograd Report, is under tremendous pressure to dismantle Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. Olmert has...

Education for war: Delegitimization, Demonization, and Violence

Reviewed by Arlene Kushner, Senior Policy Research Analyst, Center for Near East Policy Research Ltd. The American Jewish Committee, in cooperation with The Institute for Monitoring the Impact of Peace and Tolerance in School Education...

Two Weeks of Incisive Commentary

February 21, 2008: Standing Strong Before returning to current news items, I would like to refer back to one of the themes of yesterday's posting, regarding the inability of some Israelis (some Jews) to defend...

Pa. Senator Arlen Specter’s 17th Visit To Syria Again Produces Nothing

Sen. Arlen Specter has fallen into a trap that makes him look silly and damages U.S. interests as well as the cause of peace and democracy in the Middle East. Mr. Specter may have been...

The Bush Visit in Context

Glad to see him go, won't be eager to have him come back. But there are a few observations to be made regarding his final statements once he left Ramallah and returned here to...

Incisive Analysis

Posting: December 23, 2007 "Fatah" In case there was even the slightest doubt in anyone's mind -- in case anyone might have wondered if maybe, just maybe, Fatah was moderating -- allow me to provide this...

Applying Jim Crow to Israel: An Open Letter to Secretary Rice

Madame Secretary, Allow me to introduce myself. I am an American-born Israeli, and since my early childhood I have been sympathetic to the civil rights movement in the US, and human rights movement around the...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: December 15, 2007 Motzei Shabbat (after Shabbat) "Har Homa" The plans to build further units in Har Homa -- they would not extend Har Homa, but would be built inside the area already established -- were...