Commentary: The BLair Plan to Engage Syria and Iran and more…

Tony Blair today urged the world to engage Iran and Syria to advance the peace process in the Middle East. I am not making this up, though you might be temped to think so....


Israel has examined the prospect of developing long-range, precision-strike artillery that could destroy missile batteries in such countries as Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority and Syria. Officials said the Defense Ministry was considering proposals from defense...


Israel has begun considering the ramifications of Arab allies building their militaries with Western arms and technology. The Israel Army General Staff has determined that Israel could be threatened by Western-equipped armies along its border....

Commentary: Gaza, Israel’s Military Position, and more

An initial report has been delivered on what happened in Gaza: apparently a malfunction in the radar of the artillery battery. Defense Secretary Peretz has now ordered a review of artillery fire procedures and...

Why Israel Watches The US Elections

A question most often asked in the Israeli government is whether a win by the Democratic Party in congressional elections would accelerate expected changes in U.S. policy in the Middle East. If Democrats carry out...

Commentary: Fighting Defeatism, in the USA and in Israel

Last night a reader asked me for a repeat of the reasons why I think the US should stay in Iraq. I gave him not just a repeat, but an expansion of my original...


Israel has begun to examine the prospect of cooler relations with the United States. Officials said the Israel Foreign Ministry has been drafting studies on the ramifications of the November 7 elections for Congress as...

Commentary: Terrifying Times…

These are difficult times; no, terrifying times. And so I find I must call upon my readers once and again to be activist -- to move beyond just reading what I write, and to...

Commnentary: An Alert…

This comes in the nature of an alert, focusing on two related issues of primary significance for the security of Israel, the US, and the western world. Those two issues are retaining a US presence...

David Bedein’s coverage of Israel for the Evening Bulletin of Philadelphia, August-October, 2006

10/24/06 Seven Armed Palestinian Terrorists Killed In Gaza The IDF fire resulted in the death of Atta Fuad Shanbari, the commander of the Popular Resistance Committees in the northern Gaza Strip, and six others. Israeli...