Commentary: Golan Next?

Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter (Kadima) caused quite a furor yesterday when he advocated withdrawing from the Golan Heights in the interests of making peace with Syria. One is tempted to ask where his head...

Commentary on Post- Cease Fire Israel Situation

The Jerusalem Post reported today that Kofi Annan is expected to recommend that the enlarged UNIFIL forces that will deploy in Lebanon will be given rules of engagement that permit opening fire on Hezbollah....

Commentary on Post-Ceasefire Israel

Friday night a commando unit from Sayeret Matkal (General Staff Reconnaissance Unit) executed an operation in Baalbek, in the Bakaa Valley; the IDF says it thwarted the transfer of weapons from Syria to Hezbollah....

The lessons of Lebanon – II “We has met the enemy, and he is...

The war did not go well. It's easy to point to Hizbullah's six years of preparations, its fanatic devotion to death, and an endless supply of technologically advanced Iranian and Syrian weapons. But the...

Hizbullah Returns to South Lebanon

Israeli military sources said Hizbullah fighters and operatives were seen returning with tens of thousands of Lebanese residents to the communities from which they had fled in July. The sources said some of the...

Commentary on the Situation

Hezbollah doesn't need to break the ceasefire by shooting rockets again, because everything is going their way. They are being rearmed by Iran via Syria. They will not be disarmed below the Litani River...

Commentary on Cease Fire, Day Two

Difficult to know what to begin with, or how to descibe the lunacy I am observing: -- Lebanon my be on the verge of making arrangements with Hezbollah regarding the confiscation of weapons: Hezbollah would...

Hizbullah Fire Paralyzed Israeli Units: Anatomy of the Battle with Hizbullah

The 20 soldiers from Israel's elite Golan Brigade moved through the darkness over the rocky hills of Lebanon until they arrived at the outskirts of this Shi'ite town that until last month contained 35,000...

On the First Day of Cease Fire?

We are ending the first day of the ceasefire in Lebanon. Here in Israel we really didn't expect it to hold even this long -- didn't expect Hezbollah to hold fire for more than and...

UN Resolution 1701: Analysis

The essence: A ceasefire is called for that requires Hezbollah to cease all hostilities and Israel to cease offensive attacks. The Lebanese army is to send 15,000 troops into southern Lebanon; the Lebanese are to...