Behind the scene with David Bedein – March 31, 2022

Behind the scene with David Bedein - March 21, 2022

BLINKEN’S SCOREBOARD “actions that could raise tensions” – 4 for Israel 1 for Palestinians...

BLINKEN'S SCOREBOARD "actions that could raise tensions" - 4 for Israel 1 for Palestinians (no mention of Palestinian violence) Dr. Aaron Lerner 27 March 2022 BLINKEN'S SCOREBOARD "actions that could raise tensions": ISRAEL: 1. Settlement expansion 2. Settler violence 3. Demolitions 4....

Biden Administration Failing to Reform U.N.’s Palestinian Refugee Agency

Its textbooks promote anti-Semitism and violence. Its previous leader resigned amid allegations of “misconduct, nepotism, retaliation . . . and other abuses of authority.” There is no question that the United Nations Relief and...

The Israel conexion with David Bedein

David Bedein serves as Director of The Center for Near East Policy Research and he follows the UNRWA trail, exposing their malfeasances. We will discuss a short video titled 'UNRWA ignites Jerusalem' that can be found on his...

The World Bank In West Bank and Gaza

2020 has been a tumultuous year for the Palestinian economy, which is suffering the economic fallout of the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as a political standoff that has made it difficult for the Palestinian...

Trade Arabia

The irony and tragedy is not lost on me, nor on many like me.

While the US is colluding with Russia and Iran, he pretends to care about the Ukrainian people and the citizens of Abraham Accord countries in the name of justice and humanitarianism. He pretends to care...

Weekly Commentary: Mr. Blinken Don’t Be A Condescending Jerk

Weekly Commentary: Mr. Blinken Don't Be A Condescending Jerk Dr. Aaron Lerner March 25, 2022 Mr. Blinken, don't be a condescending jerk. Pretty extreme words but well earned. Condescending because he joins his equally condescending jerk, Ambassador Nides, in...

Our march 2022 mission to London

Date: Thu, Mar 31, 2022 In March 2022, David Bedein visited the UK, asking British citizens and Israel embassy officials if they would ask for constraints over  UK funds for UNRWA & the PA Background: 1. The UK acts as the third largest donor...

Israel’s Ambassador to Australia – Amir Maimon: What is happening with UNRWA?

His Excellency Mr. Amir Maimon is the recently appointed Ambassador of the State of Israel to Australia, following an extensive career in the Israel Defense Force and the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After a...