The Israeli Army vs. the State of Israel

This week it was announced that the Judge Advocate General's Corps is considering suing the Winograd Commission in the High Court. Even if the army's Advocate General is not the IDF itself, and the...

Hugo Chávez’s Jewish Problem

In December 1998, preaching a gospel of socialist revolution that had gone blessedly unvoiced in the decade following the fall of the Berlin Wall, Hugo Chávez won a landslide election for the presidency of...

SALAFI JIHADISTS IN GAZA: ‘Compared to Us, Hamas Is Islamism Lite’

Global power is their goal, and they are willing to slaughter innocents to get there. A group of ultra-radical Islamists are training in the Gaza Strip, and SPIEGEL ONLINE met with one of their...

Huckabee: US Must Understand Toll Of Terrorism On Israeli City

Former U.S. presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee, the ex -governor of Arkansas, offered The Bulletin his insights on Tuesday while visiting the southern Israeli town of Sderot. During his three-day visit to Israel, Mr. Huckabee viewed...

A Jewish and Democratic one-state solution

This article can also be read at /servlet/Satellite?cid=1263147876109&pagename=JPArticle%2FShowFull It's difficult to write this without being framed as some sort of fanatic. Either I should fall on the Left that advocates a binational state, or...

The Palestinians’ Unilateral “Kosovo Strategy”: Implications for the PA and Israel'_Unilateral_"Kosovo_Strategy":_Implications_for_the_PA_and_Israel Dan Diker is Director of the Institute for Contemporary Affairs at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, where he is also a senior foreign policy analyst. He is also an Adjunct Fellow of the...

The State Department’s Israel End-Run

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Norwegian Government Ready to Endorse Hamas regime That Promises to Continue the War to...

This article was written by reporter Samuel Sokol: Jerusalem- The foreign ministry of Norway has sponsored an endorsement of Hamas' "hudna" The unofficial endorsement came in the form of a research paper published by the Norwegian...

The Media Simply Did Not Report the Aims of the July 8th Fly-in Tammuz 9, 5771, 11 July 11 01:49 ( Those who took part in the unsuccessful "Fly-In" intended to visit the locations of Arab villages that were abandoned in 1948, together with Arab descendants of...

How The Palestinian Authority Fights Corruption The Palestinian Authority government has also warned Palestinian journalists against helping Western correspondents cover the crackdown. If Abu Rihan were a Chinese dissident imprisoned in Beijing, his case would have been endorsed by human...