Palestinian authority rejects any two state solution

By David  Bedein Research: Dr. Arnon Groiss  Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks used by UNRWA,  convey  a clear message:  The  PA , working under the  aegis  the PLO, show that the PA rejects any  two state solution: The PA...

NEW REPORT: Faculty Boycotters are Fueling Campus Antisemitism

A new study released today by AMCHA Initiative, Faculty Academic Boycotters: Ground Zero for Campus Antisemitism, examined the unique contribution of faculty who support an academic boycott of Israel to the explosion of antisemitic...

‘Refugee camps,’ villages and the war against Israel’s existence

As we’ve seen in the recent battles over the ever-shifting terms du jour sweeping the Western world, language matters. The words we choose carry far more meaning than their literal descriptive power. Our language can...

Rabbis: Amnesty is an ‘antisemitic hate group’ promoting ‘Jew-hatred’

Amnesty International, the human rights group whose leader recently said Israel “shouldn’t exist as a Jewish state,” is blatantly promoting “Jew-hatred,” according to a group of influential rabbis. Amnesty International has been facing criticism since...

Policy Statement

The Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research, focuses research on the Palestinian Authority & UNRWA, both of which foster Jihad. The PA and UNRWA inherit polices imposed on Palestinan Arabs by the Mufti of...

Weapons in UNRWA facilities

March 14, 2022 The Hon. Diane Corner, Consulate General of The United Kingdom of Great Britain Your Excellency, The Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research has discerned the presence of massive arms in UNRWA facilities. This is demonstrated...

Jews in Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks in UNRWA Use

Introduction The Palestinian Authority schoolbooks, including those ones in UNRWA use, feature 3 fundamentals in the context of the conflict: 1. De-legitimization of Israel’s existence and the Jews’ very presence in the country, including the denial...

Deny you are Palestinian or perish

"Deny you are Palestinian or Perish." That is the message presented by UNRWA to Palestinian refugees.  It is an unbelievably shocking message, contrary to international law and contrary to UNRWA's mandate itself. UNRWA succumbed...

Conditioning Palestinian Aid on Incitement in School Syllabus: Palestinian diplomats are scurrying to Europe...

The European Union will vote on a proposal to condition the body's 214 million euro aid to the Palestinian Authority on tempering its school curriculum on Tuesday. Palestinian diplomats have shuttled to Brussels in a...

Behind the scene with David Bedein – March 10, 2022

Behind the scene with David Bedein - March 10, 2022