Incisive Middle East News Analysis

"A Closer Look" I start today by recommending an article, "Can Obama recognize the 'Nakba' nakba," by Gil Troy: "President Barack Obama came to town riding on a series of assumptions about the Middle East. But...

Weekly Commentary: Israeli doves failed mission – apologists for the Palestinians instead of defenders... Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 18 August 2011 A reminder from the past: "... WHAT if they cheat? What if they take whatever we give them and demand even more, still exercising violence and terror? Within the...

Obama Campaign Downplays Syria, Soft-Pedals Iran Former Obama administration officials were tightlipped about the escalating violence in Syria and declared that there is “time and space” to negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program during a press call organized by...

The Role of Hamas in the Formation of Global Jihadi Networks in Sinai Vol. 12, No. 18 After the Rafah attack, it was noticeable that the Egyptian government refrained from condemning the terrorists’ plan to carry out a mass-casualty attack in Israel. Indeed, senior Muslim Brotherhood figures pointed...

Radical and Moderate Palestinians When Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas returned from New York to Ramallah and told the Palestinians that he obtained UN recognition of a Palestinian state within the pre-1967 lines -- namely, the West Bank,...

Watch: Gaza kids simulate rocket launch,7340,L-4319035,00.html A generation comes of age: A video posted on social networks shows a group of Palestinian kids in Gaza simulating the firing of mortar shells at Israeli communities. Four kids are seen walking in a...

Hagel-chaired think tank predicts Iran will be ‘natural partner’ for U.S. ( The Atlantic Council, a think tank chaired by defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel which last month published a column titled “Israel’s Apartheid Policy,” during the same month predicted that Iran “should be viewed...

UN Human Rights Council and NGO Allies Produce Another Politicized Report and_ngo_allies_produce_another_politicized_report On January 31, 2013, the UN Human Rights Council Fact-Finding Mission on Israeli Settlements published a report accusing Israel of gross “violations of human rights law.” The publication includes a scenario in which the...

Silence of the lambs,7340,L-4377148,00.html The buds of peace are blossoming again, and, as always, they are being irrigated with Jewish blood. Eviatar Borovsky joined more than 1,500 "victims of peace" since Oslo - a huge political experiment with...

Understanding the Turkish Demonstrations Turkey, although nominally part of the West, is in most ways culturally closer to the Middle East. Turks live with pent-up grievances -- as do we all -- but with virtually no way to...