The Fatah congress will not remove the clause supporting armed struggle from its platform, and will add a clause declaring that the movement does not, and will never, recognize Israel as a Jewish state. The new platform,...

The Palestinian Refugees on the Day After “Independence”

The gap between Israel and the Palestinians on the refugee question cannot be reconciled. The Palestinians demand a "just peace," which implies recognition of the right of return according to their interpretation, and rejects...

Promoting Peace? Reexamining U.S. Aid to the Palestinian Authority

http://schanzer.pundicity.com/10310/promoting-peace-reexamining-us-aid-to Chairman Ros-Lehtinen, Ranking Member Berman, and distinguished members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, I thank you for the opportunity to discuss with you...

Israeli Control of the Golan Heights: High Strategic and Moral Ground for Israel

Ever since Syria’s loss of the Golan Heights to Israel in the June 1967 Six Day War, the strategic plateau has been a matter of contention between the two states. Immediately after the war,...

TV interview:Israel Releases Terrorists? U.S. Will Have to Pursue Them


If the Palestinians could know what Koby has achieved

http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/if-the-palestinians-could-know-what-koby-has-achieved/ I’ve just returned from the 11th memorial service for Koby Mandell with one wish: that I could write in Arabic. Koby was killed at the age of 13, with his friend Yosef Ish-Ran, while they...

Getting Priorities Wrong in Egypt and Syria: Three Media Case Studies

http://pjmedia.com/barryrubin/2012/08/15/getting-priorities-wrong-in-egypt-and-syria-three-media-case-studies/?singlepage=true As I lie here waiting for the gurney to take me into the operating room and reading the hundreds of kind letters from so many of you, I hope to fill in your time...

The twilight of America

http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=ae169cb0bf1d8ed85f60ee17a&id=9e9f653b0e&e=6a9f992820 I think this is what is called a slam dunk. Barack Obama has now proposed filling the three positions in the US administration most concerned with the security of the nation and the defence...

Text: Human Rights Council call for Israel to remove all Israelis from Ramat

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=59940 http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil /RegularSession/Session19/FFM/FFMSettlements.pdf Human Rights Council Twenty-second session Agenda item 7 Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories. Report of the independent international fact-finding mission to investigate the implications of the Israeli settlements on the civil,...

Iran’s Arms Supply to Hizbullah: International Dimensions

http://jcpa.org/irans-arms-supply-to-hizbullah-international-dimensions/ In an exceptional political signal, a senior Israeli official contacted Mark Landler of the New York Times and explained that the Israeli government was determined to continue to prevent the transfer of advanced weapons...