Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio December 3rd
Summary and Analysis
VOP led its Sunday morning news round-up with an interview with PA Information Minister Yasser Abd Rabbo who reiterated the PA's demands for a complete final settlement including the right of return,...
Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio December 2nd
Evening Headlines
"Four funerals in Gaza today for four martyrs who fell before Occupation aggression yesterday: the children Mith'haq Muhammad Jad-Allah, 14 years old, Muhammd Saalih al Arjah, 12 years old, and Yaseen Muhmmad Shahada,...
Official PA Radio: The Voice of Palestine: November 30
Summary and Analysis
VOP chose to highlight economic issues in its morning news program, featuring four items on the deprivations forced on the Palestinian people by the Israeli closures. The news bulletins continued to lead...
Official PA Radio: The Voice of Palestine: December 1 – Official Claim that Israel...
Summary and Analysis
VOP began its broadcasts with Islamic programming, offering its first news bulletin at 8 am, leading with the latest deaths and funerals of martyrs.
Shortly before the main Friday prayer service, VOP broadcast...
The Voice of Palestine: November 28 (afternoon) November 29 (morning)
Summary and Analysis
VOP treated the idea of new elections in Israel somewhat diffidently, largely downplaying the possibility in the afternoon broadcasts of November 28 and incorporating news of the election law as the number...
Bonus for Arafat: Recall of Egypt’s Ambassador
One must listen carefully to what Foreign Minister Amr Moussa said yesterday when he explained the decision to recall Ambassador Mohammed Bassyouni. This is an “Egyptian decision” by direct instruction of President Mubarak, and...
Official Palestinian Authority Voice of Palestine Radio Late November 27th and Early November 28th
Summary and Analysis
Beginning in the afternoon and through the evening, PA officials hinted broadly at their repudiation of "partial" or "gradual" solutions that have been floated in the Israeli press. A more detailed repudiation...
Saddam Hussein Speaks
On Nov 25, addressing a cabinet meeting, Saddam gave a fiery speech attacking Israel and the US, calling on the Palestinians to continue their uprising, and threatening Arab rulers who do not support them...
The Secret Millions of Senior PA Officials
Even now, when the ground is burning and the future of the peace process is cloudy, senior PA officials find time to deal with the truly important things. The name of the game is...
Official PA Radio News the PBC Radio November 27
Summary and Analysis
VOP moved into its Ramadan schedule with a marked heightening of the Islamic content of its programming, while escalating the rhetorical side of its news reports. Israeli fire at Palestinian targets in...