Retiree – US and Israel army veteran – Victim of terror attack – Requests...

Writing this open letter at the request of my friend Mr. DavId Bedein who will verify the facts I am about to present. My name is David Ramati. Am a convert to Judaism, having converted under...

INTO THE FRAY: Law Enforcement in Israel – Something to Worry About

Confidence in Israel’s justice system, once so high, has slumped, and the time has come for the system to stop blaming everyone but itself. – Prof. Yuval Elbashan, in  Justice – The public’s loss of trust,...

Russian Misinformation Campaign Targets SWC

The Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) was an early target of a burgeoning Russian misinformation campaign trying to deflect world condemnation for their bombing of a hospital in Mariupol, Ukraine that killed or maimed pregnant...

Babi Yar Revisited: The Concealment

Today, every news consumer has heard of Babi Yar, the forest outside Kiev where the Germans killed tens of thousands of Jews in September 1941. The killing was marked by significant help from Ukrainian...

The Latest Academic Boycott Attempts

The BDS campaign against Israeli institutes and individuals has been rolling full steam. Last week, Gerry Leisman, Professor & Research Fellow at the University of Haifa, disclosed a BDS attempt against him. He explained...

State Department Hire Oversaw UN’s Terrorist Textbook Program

The Biden administration has hired the former director of a United Nations agency accused of promoting antisemitism and terrorism in Palestinian schools to help oversee refugee issues and U.N. reform at the State Department. Elizabeth...

NEWSRAEL AntiSemitic U.N. Agency UNRWA Update by David Bedein March 6, 2022

NEWSRAEL AntiSemitic U.N. Agency UNRWA Update by David Bedein March 6, 2022

Canada Must Stop Funding Terrorist Training Against Jews

Dear Mr. Housefather, It is urgent that the Government of Canada cease funding the Jew hatred and terrorism that is a significant part of the educational material used by the UN Relief and Works Agency...

Behind The Scene with David Bedein – March 8th, 2022

What is the connection between Ukrainian war and Russian involvement

The lie of UK UNRWA policy – as if UNRWA maintains neutrality

Click here to download The lie of UK UNRWA policy - as if UNRWA maintains neutrality: MC2022_00657