Crusades resurrected

Between 1095 and 1291 the Catholic Church sponsored and blessed crusades to the Holy Land that were intended to recover Jerusalem and its surrounding area from Islamic rule. It is important to remember this period...

Refugees for Perpetuity

At a time when the subject of human rights is so widely discussed, President Biden took the opportunity of his visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia to express support for Arab human rights and...

Diplomacy between Saudi Arabia and Iran could isolate and constrain Israel

Suppose the Israeli defense establishment, the prime minister, and the inner security cabinet decide that Iran’s uranium enrichment at 84 percent, close to what’s needed for a nuclear weapon, and its progress in weaponizing...

Media Romanticize Teenage Terrorists and Their Dreams of ‘Martyrdom’

Militants stand during the funeral of two Palestinian Islamic Jihad gunmen who were killed in an Israeli raid, in Jenin refugee camp, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank May 10, 2023. Photo: REUTERS/Raneen Sawafta Spraying bullets...


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Full text of UNSC draft resolution on Mideast cease-fire

========================== Full text of UNSC draft resolution on Mideast cease-fire Associated Press, THE JERUSALEM POST August 5, 2006 Text of draft Security Council resolution to end fighting between Israel and Hezbollah: The Security Council, PP1. Recalling all...

NATO To Israeli Minister: ‘Don’t Count On Us To Act Against Iran’

Leading NATO officials believe that Israel, ultimately, will be forced to cope alone with the Iranian nuclear program. This was reported recently by Israel Strategic Affairs Minister Avigdor Lieberman to Israel Prime Minister Ehud...

Just Say “No”: I Get Personally Invited to Help the Obama Administration Engage–and Thus...

Director of Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of Middle East Review of International
Affairs (MERIA) Journal.

Hagel-chaired think tank predicts Iran will be ‘natural partner’ for U.S. ( The Atlantic Council, a think tank chaired by defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel which last month published a column titled “Israel’s Apartheid Policy,” during the same month predicted that Iran “should be viewed...

Biden Administration Failing to Reform U.N.’s Palestinian Refugee Agency

Its textbooks promote anti-Semitism and violence. Its previous leader resigned amid allegations of “misconduct, nepotism, retaliation . . . and other abuses of authority.” There is no question that the United Nations Relief and...