Weekly Commentary: Defeat – Not Deter – Iran, As Deterrence Not Applicable if Bernard...

“...the United States will have to forge a common approach among its European and Middle Eastern allies, one that simultaneously deters Iran, punishes aggression and dangles rewards for peaceful behavior.” Washington Post Editorial 5 December 2021 Can Iran...

Is Israel an apartheid state?

Is Israel an apartheid state?

UNRWA Accountability and Transparency Act

Cosponsors: H.R.4721 — 117th Congress (2021-2022)    

They deserve each other

Either by design or mutual attraction, whenever Israel is in terror groups’ crosshairs one can unfailingly guarantee that not far behind will be the usual collection of anti-Israel groupies. These latter fellow travellers cover the...

Israel’s Good News Newletter

Due to a family event and Chanukah celebrations, my next newsletter will be in two weeks time - hopefully on Sunday 12th Dec. The pace of Israel's achievements is speeding up every week. There are...

CAEF and Bedein Center Press Release: LET MY PEOPLE KNOW

LET MY PEOPLE KNOW While it is widely known that the nascent Palestine Authority (PA) pays Arabs who kill Jews, what has escaped public knowledge is that the PA has actually enacted a law to...

Time To #EndJewHatred in UNRWA Schools | Opinion

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) educates an estimated 540,000 students across 700 schools in the Gaza Strip, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Far from training tomorrow's leaders to be contributing members of society,...

Holocaust Museum removes photo of Hitler with Mufti of Jerusalem

When Yad Vashem exhibits were redone, a telling photo of Adolf Hitler with Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al Husseini was not returned to the prominent position it had had before. Writes Shalom Pollack I...

Eli Kay’s father: This is my son’s message to the world

Eli Kay's father: This is my son's message to the world https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o3jpRApiS8

Dalal al-Mughrabi – A Murderous Terrorist as a Role Model In Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks...

Research: Dr. Arnon Groiss (December 2019) Dalal al-Mughrabi was the commander of an 11-person group of Palestinian terrorists who landed in a boat on the beach of Maagan Michael natural reserve on Saturday afternoon, March...