UN guards prevent Israeli evidence of pro-Hitler UN teachers

United Nations guards did not allow Israel’s U.S. and UN ambassador to bring in proof to a General Assembly meeting of the anti-Israel nature of many teachers employed by UNRWA, the organization’s agency that...

Comments on the 2021 Georg Eckert Institute’s Report on Palestinian Textbooks

(This piece was first published by IMPACT-SE: https://www.impact-se.org/a-middle-east-scholars-evaluation-of-the-george-eckert-institute-report-on-palestinian-textbooks/) The Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research has recently completed a research of 174 textbooks and 16 teachers' guides for grades 1-12 published by the Palestinian...

Two Arabs who beat rabbi in Jaffa riots handed community service sentences

Two Arabs convicted of beating a rabbi and a yeshiva director in an anti-Semitic attack will not spend any time in jail, but instead have been handed community service sentences of less than one...

No EU policy to pressure UNRWA to stop incitement in their schools

Following press reports that the European Union now conditions further funding of UNRWA on the eradication of incitement in the UNRWA curriculum, The Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research asked the spokesperson of...

South Hebron Hills ‘Settler Violence’ – The Other Side of the Story

The Arab narrative of the events of the day were immediately adopted by the media,” activist Ari Kaniel said. “Why does nobody ask what made Orthodox Jews throw rocks on a holy day, something...

UN Human Rights Council head shuts down testimony on anti-Semitic UNRWA teachers

The president of the UN Human Rights Council shut down Saturday the Zoom testimony of an expert group on UNRWA teachers’ anti-Semitism because she considered it an unacceptable personal attack on the educators. Hillel Neuer,...

Interview with David Bedein following the Sept. 26 elections in Germany

1. What do you hope for from the federal election and the new federal government in Germany? I expect and hope that the German federal government will rethink its aid to the Palestinian Authority and...

Stockholm Syndrome Influences Academics

In 1995, Dr. Assaf David, a political scientist at the Hebrew University, then a soldier in the Israeli army, traveled to reach his military base on a bus in Jerusalem. Near Rene Cassin High...

Brick walls

In our journey through life, we more often than not encounter brick walls. Sometimes they impede our progress while we devise strategies to circumvent them and at other times we need to pause and rethink...

Translation services English-Hebrew, Hebrew-English

Experienced translator specifying in Jewish/halachic related material offering translation services for the Rabbinical community and scholars of Judaism: English-Hebrew, Hebrew-English Contact: Sara Bedein:  sarabedein@yahoo.com