UNRWA Investigative Articles 2021

SOURCE: www.israelbehindthenews.com   August 2021   What will change after the memo of understanding between the US and UNRWA? - Israel Behind the News   Texts remain in UNRWA schools despite anti-incitement agreement - Israel Behind the News   UNRWA's Anti-Semitic Teachers...

Democratic Senators to Visit Israel This Week

A group of four Democratic U.S. Senators visiting the Mideast are due to arrive in Israel later this week. They would be the first delegation of American lawmakers to visit since Israel’s new governing...

New Zealand official investigation of UNRWA

Background 1. This is a follow-on from our previous complaint (ref: 535818). a. On 09 Nov 2020 you acknowledged that we were still engaging with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and with the New...

Did Defense Minister Benny Gantz raise any key demands in his meeting with PA...

Did Gantz demand that Abbas repeal the unprecedented PA law that provides salaries (a fee for the killer and a fee for family of the murderer) for life for anyone who murders a Jew? Did...

Palestine Liberation Organization Portrays Sirhan As Commando Hero

The Los Angeles Times reported from Beirut yesterday that the Palestine Liberation Organization was distributing several hundred thousand posters in Arab countries depicting Sirhan Sirhan, on trial for the murder of Sen. Robert F....

US Congressional Film Screening of “UNRWA’s Child Soldiers” on YOUTUBE

US Congressional Film Screening of "UNRWA's Child Soldiers" on YOUTUBE   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4cXKyP1GbA  

Op-Ed: In assassinating my father, Sirhan committed a crime against America. He must not...

My father, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, was murdered in June 1968 by Sirhan Sirhan in full view of many witnesses, including my mother, some of my father’s closest friends and a number of journalists...

Imbecilic insanity

Former United Kingdom Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is reported as having called the American Administration’s total pullout from Afghanistan as imbecilic. A quoted remark made by the late President John Kennedy succinctly sums up the...

Invitation to August 31 zoom 

Invitation to August 31 zoom  Presented by experts of the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research www.IsraelBehindTheNews.com www.Unrwa-Monitor.com https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ofuitrzwjG9cblcuEXIJbvL3uaCmowppo Featuring UNRWA expert Richard Goldberg   bio : https://www.fdd.org/team/richard-goldberg/

Use UNRWA’s financial crisis to end its shameful apartheid system

UNRWA, the United Nations agency tasked with caring for Palestinian refugees and their descendants in perpetuity, is facing what it terms its worst financial crisis ever. “Crisis” is an exaggeration, but the agency undoubtedly...