Genocidal Antisemitism: A Core Ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood is an organization that was founded in Egypt 1928 with the goal of establishing a global Islamic caliphate. The ideological influences of Wahhabism and Salafism and the socio-political atmosphere of the early...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (June 16 – 22, 2021)

There were two terrorist attacks this past week: A Palestinian woman was killed attempting a combined vehicular-ramming and stabbing attack in Hizma, south of Nablus; a Palestinian woman tried to carry out a stabbing attack...

From Israel: “Yikes!! All At Once??!”

Life is never simple, nor do we have a right to expect it to be. But right now there is a confluence of a number of serious matters – all requiring attention.  Most are...

MPs: Britain must stop taxpayer cash funding hatred in Palestinian schools

Britain needs to act to make sure taxpayer money does not fund anti-Jewish hatred in Palestinian textbooks, MPs and communal figures have said. The call comes after the long-delayed publication of a EU-commissioned study into...

Hamas-Camps deutsch

Terror Der Rückkehr

Terror Der Rückkehr

Hamas, Islamic Jihad Mobilize Gaza’s Children for Summer Military Training Camps to Attract Next...

The military wings of the Hamas terror group and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are recruiting Palestinian children and teenagers for their upcoming annual summer camps to train them and win their support to become...

SWC Encouraged by US linkage of renewed UNRWA aid to Curriculum that Doesn’t Promote...

The Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) is lauding the Biden Administration’s linkage of renewed aid to UNRWA to a curriculum that “does not promote incitement”. “The fact that Secretary of State Blinken will be required to...

Midsummer Nights’ Dreams

It may not yet be midsummer in Israel but the dreams or nightmares, depending on your political preferences, have already burst forth, domestically and internationally. After a long and tortuous gestation period, followed by extreme...

Palestinian Authority textbooks encourage violence against Israelis and include anti-Semitic messages.

Dear David Bedein, Palestinian Authority textbooks encourage violence against Israelis and include anti-Semitic messages. This is according to an unpublished report commissioned by the European Union and recently obtained by The Jerusalem Post. It follows news earlier...