Our troops in the Sinai are a small force with outsized importance

On May 19, 1967, responding to a demand by Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, United Nations Secretary-General U Thant suddenly withdrew the U.N. Emergency Force (UNEF) that had been created in the aftermath of...

Citations: Biden policy on renewal of aid to UNRWA and the PLO

Citations: Biden policy on renewal of aid to UNRWA and the PLO" https://tinyurl.com/yxaxwkfr

Dead Sea Interactive Webinar

Dead Sea Interactive Webinar What’s Included? Experience the hour-long expedition with your community/colleagues/friends/family members, either on your personal smartphones or computer screen. Click here.

Professional Work as a Journalist: A Warning About Joe Biden

For 33 years, I have accompanied journalists to report from the scene of the action, to cover news stories, on location, in Israel. Among these news stories: thorough coverage of the aftermath of some...

How much worse can it get?

On the evidence so far we are already facing a new (Jewish) year which is plumbing the depths of insanity and unbelievable imbecility. Love embraces from the UAE and Bahrain notwithstanding, the prospects for far...

Press conference launching Next Jihad book by Johnnie Moore and Abraham Cooper

"The Next Jihad" & Nigeria Press Conference Jenepher Samuel, an aid worker who was abducted and held captive by Boko Haram last year tells her story to reporters. According to Rev. Johnnie Moore and Rabbi...

Biden made a clear threat against Israel , and has issued no retraction

In May, Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden threatened Israel. And he never withdrew the threat. See: https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/joe-biden-says-he-would-restore-us-aid-palestinians. One threat was to renew funds to UNRWA, despite UNRWA indoctrination of the "right of return by force of arms"...

Analysis of EU Funding to NGOs in 2019: Divisive Politics, Terror links, and Antisemitism

On June 30, 2020, the European Commission updated its Financial Transparency System (FTS) with details about grants to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) authorized in 2019.1 NGO Monitor’s analysis of this information shows that in 2019, the...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (October 14 – 20, 2020)

In the Gaza Strip the number of active Covid-19 cases continues rising (1,893 as of October 20, 2020). In Judea and Samaria the curve is flattening, but the number of active cases is still...

APT demands action from Tufts University against anti-Semitic student

Americans for Peace and Tolerance today published a full-page open letter to Anthony Monaco, president of Tufts University, demanding that he expel a student who threatened Jews and Jewish students, and to initiate programs to address institutional...