Feeding the Hand that Bleeds us

The Jerusalem Post ran an editorial on October 21, 2020 “Erekat’s Hadassah care must be top priority for Israel: Treating chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat in a Jerusalem hospital should serve as a reminder...

Behind The Scene with David Bedein – Oct 18, 2020

Behind The Scene with David Bedein – Oct 18, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf4qvuLAjUA

UNRWA schools say ‘NO’ to bullying!

UNRWA schools say 'NO' to bullying! Our schools teach students to stand up for themselves and stand against bullying. Thanks to financial support from the UAE in 2019-2020, UNRWA is able to maintain its...

UAE Reaffirms long-standing support for Palestinians

The UAE has reiterated its commitment to Palestinians and the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemy, Minister of State for International Cooperation, made the...

Forgotten: Touted Abbas Successor Wanted for Murder

JPOST describes Mohammed Dahlan as the next possible head of the Palestinian Authority. "Is Mohammed Dahlan the next Palestinian president in waiting? With Palestinians potentially going to the polls in 2021, eyes are turning to...

Middle East Expert: The Abraham Accords Contain “Secret Clauses” Pertaining To Temple Mount

Beware of making a covenant with the inhabitants of the land against which you are advancing, lest they be a snare in your midst. Exodus 34:12 (The Israel BibleTM) Pinhas Inbari, a journalist, author, and expert...

March of Folly

Now that the Chagim (Festivals) are over most people are looking forward to a new year devoid of past follies and one which will somehow fulfil their craving for a more balanced and normal...

With one post by Mark Zuckerberg, Holocaust education changed forever

With the tap of a smartphone, Mark Zuckerberg just had an unfathomable impact on the future of Holocaust education. Read full article, click here.

Bari Weiss: Jews shut out by new totalitarian ‘liberalism’

American Jewish journalist Barri Weiss warned Thursday in Tablet Magazine that radical new ideologies that are taking over American social behavior threaten not only traditional American liberalism, but also the future of American Jewry. “American...

Minister of Culture condemns Israeli incitement against artist Mohammed Assaf

Minister of Culture Atef Abu Seif condemned today the Israeli incitement campaign against Palestinian singer and Arab Idol star Mohammed Assaf, describing it as an episode in its war against Palestinian arts and culture. Earlier...