Israel Fails To Halt Palestinian Influx

Officials said the Israeli military has acknowledged the failure to stop or significantly reduce the infiltration of Palestinians from the West Bank. They said the multi-billion-dollar security barrier along the West Bank has not...

Analysis by Rachel Avraham: Donor Nations Must Reform UNRWA Jews are "the wolf"Photo Credit: Channel 2 Since Israel’s War of Independence, millions of descendants of Palestinian refugees have been living across the Middle East in the surrounding Arab host countries, especially in Jordan, Lebanon,...

Weekly Commentary: The Pig Pilot Checklist It is both frustrating and disturbing. There is a group of people pushing for the creation of an independent sovereign Palestinian state who have consistently been on the wrong side of history for over two...

Hizbullah Sets Up Thousands Of Bases

Officials said Hizbullah has set up weapons caches in at least 200 communities in southern Lebanon. They said Hizbullah was storing rockets and missiles in thousands of apartment buildings in an effort to evade...

Hamas Said To Target Iron Dome

Israel's military has determined that Hamas was targeting the Iron Dome missile and rocket defense system. Officials said the military assessed that Hamas and its militia allies were concerned over the effectiveness of Iron Dome,...

Is Hizbullah about to Withdraw from Syria? Hizbullah’s military involvement in Syria is now a subject of heated domestic debate in Iran. This debate is being waged against the backdrop of the international refusal to let Iran take part in the...

Iran says not to dismantle ‘anything’ in N. program TEHRAN (ISNA)- Senior Iranian nuclear negotiator Abbas Araqchi said the country would not 'dismantle anything' in its nuclear program. "Nothing will be stopped or dismantled in Iran's nuclear program. Anything or activity will press ahead...

Source: Iran Not to Give Up Arak Heavy Reactor TEHRAN (FNA)- Operation of the heavy water reactor in the Central city of Arak is Iran’s redline and the country has no plan to relinquish this project by any means, informed sources said on...

Event summary: ‘Palestinian Incitement: An Obstacle to the Peace Negotiations?’ On the 21st of January 2014, Dr. David Pollock, Kaufman Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and Senior Advisor for the Broader Middle East at the US State Department from 2002-...

Which “Settlers Did Arafat Say Could Remain in a Palestinian State?

Over the past week, heated discussions took place, at the highest levels of the government of Israel, as to whether Israeli “settlers” would be welcome to live in a Palestinian state. Almost 18 years ago,...