Palestinian red line The media reported that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas rejected the peace proposals submitted by U.S. Secretary John Kerry. The Palestinians leaked that Abbas sent a letter to Kerry reiterating his complete opposition to...

Editor’s Special Report: Who Are the Corne Jews ? How I figured out the...'s_Special_Report:_Who_Are_the_Corne_Jews__How_I_figured_out_the_meaning_of_the_last_name _ for being my "scholar in residence” and answering my inquiries and for being the first to get me thinking about the fact that even today, on the internet, one can find plenty...

U.S. Court Urged to Reject Israel’s Move to Block Key Witness in Bank of...

Lawyers for the family of Daniel Wultz, a 16-year-old American killed in a suicide bombing in Israel in 2006, asked a U.S. federal court on Tuesday to reject Israel’s attempt to prevent a key...

Meanwhile on Israel’s Lebanese Border On December 15, an Israeli jeep was driving along the Israel-Lebanese border near the coast, in a quiet area, which hadn’t seen war for decades. Suddenly a shot rang out. A warrant officer fell...

The legal case for Judea and Samaria If international legitimacy for the settlement enterprise were a horse, one could say that it's been long out of the barn. Those roaming the halls of power worldwide -- from the White House in...

The Palestinian refugees — a reality check Western policymakers and media have misconstrued/misrepresented the Palestinian refugee issue, ignoring its global context and core data. Moreover, the Palestinian claim of dispossession -- which impacts the U.S. financial aid to UNRWA, and is...

ICSR Insight: Up to 11,000 foreign fighters in Syria; steep rise among Western Europeans Since ICSR published its first estimate in April, the issue of foreign fighters in Syria has become a major concern for Western governments. More reports have emerged since, though few have accurately gauged the...

The Changing of the Tide in the Syrian Civil War The tide is changing in the Syrian civil war. Bashar al-Assad and his regime are gaining momentum, the opposition is weakening, and some of its major traditional supporters seem to be reconsidering their position....

The Long Shadow of the Guards This week saw further clashes between the two rival power centers vying for influence over Iranian foreign and domestic policy. In one corner stands a faction dedicated to rehabilitating Iran’s international standing, epitomized by...

Israel, Palestine, and Democracy Democracy and demography have become the main arguments for creating a Jew-free Arab state in Judea and Samaria. Israel’s presence in the territories deprives Palestinians of their democratic rights, the argument goes, and if...