Telling Israel like it is – in Arabic

I first met Boshra Khalaila in the Spring of 2010, at the Ministry of Public Diplomacy’s offices in Jerusalem. She was 24 at the time. Like me, she’d been alarmed by the public relations...

Brothers in Arms: Would Hizballah and Hamas Join Iran in a War Against Israel? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: There is a prevalent view that in the event of an Israeli strike on Iran, Tehran’s proxies in Lebanon and Gaza - Hizballah and Hamas - would join in retaliation against Israel....

WJC ANALYSIS – The long-suffering Palestinian electoral process Over the past weekend, the Palestinian Authority held a round of local elections. It appeared to be an ordinary and routine local authority matter. However, it was anything but that. This election round was meant...

Looking back: New York Times’s Roger Cohen out to lunch at J Street Conference... It's been about a year and a half since I heard New York Times columnist Roger Cohen speak at the J Street convention in Washington at the end of February 2011. At the time his...

Abbas is right – Education can incite Mahmoud Abbas's recent speech in the UN included a reference to the inciting Israeli books that encouraged the latest surge of violence committed by Jewish settlers aimed at hurting Palestinian citizens. This violence "is the...

The Powerlessness Excuse: Debunking the Claim that Obama Could Not Have Affected the “Arab...“arab-spring”-and-islamist-takeovers/ One argument we will be increasingly hearing is that President Barack Obama couldn’t have done anything to change events in the Middle East. This is ironic of course because when things were going well...

Concerning Gershon Baskin’s gestures to Abbas if he becomes

In his article, “Encountering Peace: The challenge of statesmanship” one wonders why Gershon Baskin in his prime ministership will not ask Abbas to cease and desist from the consistent virulent message that Abbas...

Losing my Seventh Grade Teacher: Stan Diamond (z’l) This past Shabbat, when our family held its perennial discussion about our apprehensions about Iran, and the possibility of a nuclear threat, I told my cantankerous seventh grader, Ruchama about what it was like...

Confronting the Addictive Charm of Charisma Review: The 12-Step Guide for the Recovering Obama Voter, by Craig S. Karpel BROADSIDE BOOKS, An Imprint of HarperCollins, Winston Churchill was a great speaker, but he really grabbed his audience with the power of...

The Israeli Who Sneaked into Syria My friend and colleague Jonathan Spyer sneaked over the border with the Free Syrian Army to cover the war against Assad from the front lines. He did it twice. And he’s an Israeli. He has...