NZ Announces Funding For Glorification Of Terror

New Zealand’s Foreign Minister, Hon Minister Mahuta, has moved NZ further from its 5 eyes allies by rewarding incitement to terror via her announcement on Twitter that New Zealand will provide UNWRA with“ $3...

Pray for peace – prepare for action

Peace is always at the forefront of our prayers, but at the same time, most of us should have learnt from bitter past experience that being aware of the challenges ahead is a priority. At...

Revealing Maps: The Palestinian Vision as Taught in UNRWA Schools

The present research deals with some 115 maps of the country appearing in the latest edition of schoolbooks issued by the Palestinian Authority in 2020 (few books were issued earlier and have not been...

Part X: The Peace Institutes

Despite the daily accounts of the destruction of European Jewry, the leading American Jewish organizations believed that at the end of the war, there would be a significant number of surviving Jews who would...

Israel Justified in Closing Palestinian NGOs Argues Renowned Human Rights Lawyer

David Matas, B’nai Brith Canada’s Senior Legal Counsel and a world-renowned human-rights activist, recently penned an op-ed arguing that Israel’s closure of several Palestinian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) was justified. In October 2022, Israel closed six...
Palestinian Authority textbooks. Credit:

House Foreign Affairs Committee marks up bill to monitor UNRWA’s educational material

A bill to hold accountable the U.N. Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) for educational material it provides in Palestinian schools was marked up by the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Thursday. If passed, H.R. 2374, also...

Changing of the guard

In the words of A.A. Milne, “they are changing the guards at Buckingham Palace.” With the death of Queen Elizabeth, the expression “passing of an era” was never more apt. For most citizens of the...

China donates $1m to UNRWA for Palestinian education

The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has announced that the People's Republic of China has donated $1 million to provide quality, equitable and inclusive basic education...

Fatah movement takes responsibility for terror attacks

The al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, the military arm of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement, has returned to terror activity. An announcement from "the joint room for the nightly disruptions unit in Ramallah and Al-Bireh,"...

Congressman Brad Sherman Statement on the House Foreign Affairs Committee Marking up the Peace...

I look forward to the House Foreign Affairs Committee marking up my bill, the Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act, which passed through the Committee unanimously in the previous Congress and now has a...