Arafat Health Scare Puts Peace Process in Jeopardy

Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader, is suffering from Parkinson's disease, according to a report compiled by Israeli military intelligence. He is receiving treatment for symptoms of tremor and muscular rigidity but shows no sign...

Official PA Radio News: The PBC Radio, November 10

Summary and analysis The Voice of Palestine has given relatively little coverage to the Clinton-Arafat meeting Thursday afternoon beyond a recitation of Palestinian positions. There were no descriptions of the tone of conversations or of...

Falsely blaming Israel for Christianity’s collapse in Gaza and West Bank

It’s a peculiar tradition.  As Christians prepare to celebrate Christmas, the media churns out articles blaming Israel for Christian struggles in the Holy Land. The Foundation for the Defense of Democracy’s Cliff May wrote about...

European Union Support for the Palestinian Authority against Israel is part of Europe’s “hidden...

European Union support for the Palestinian Authority against Israel is part of Europe's "hidden war" against the United States to become a world superpower, a European parliamentarian said in Jerusalem this week. Washington has often...

Hizbollah doubles down as its allies in Syria collapse In a speech last Sunday, Hizbollah's secretary general, Hassan Nasrallah, affirmed that the rebels fighting the regime of President Bashar Al Assad could not defeat him. "The situation in Syria is getting more complicated,"...

US State Department Official William Burns

Assistant Secretary of State William Burns, under fire from conservatives for recent remarks in Jerusalem that disparaged the president and his supporters, has a history of cozying up to radical Muslims who oppose peaceful...

06-Dec-16: World Vision and terrorism: Hazy accounting is the last thing this scandal needs

The trial of a top-level World Vision manager got underway in an Israeli criminal court in Beer Sheva a few days ago. Fresh revelations disclosed today in an Australian newspaper (and below) suggest the...

Why does US Sec’y of State Powell Describe the PA Islamic State Constitution as...

Following the meeting that took place between US Sec'y of State Colin Powell and PLO leader Abu Mazen, senior AP diplomatic correspondent Barry Schweid reported that US Sec'y of State Colin Powell remarked that...

To Destroy Jerusalem, by Howard Kaplan

Writers House Publishing House, , LA, Cal. 363 pages Reviewed by David Bedein, Israel Resource News Agency TO DESTROY JERUSALEM, Kaplan’s fifth gripping Middle East thriller, is his longest and most ambitious to date. A historical...

La La Land

This colloquial term’s definition is: “a euphoric, dreamlike mental state detached from the harsher realities of life.” With this week’s visit by the President of the United States, recent pontifications by the President of the...