Daniel Sokatch’s can we talk about Israel?

Daniel Sokatch, CEO of the New Israel Fund and founding Executive Director of Bend the Arc (formally, the Progressive Jewish Alliance) has written a book entitled Can We Talk About Israel? A Guide for...

R&B Monthly Seminar: “In Jewish Blood” (Episode #3 — Monday, August 29th, 2022)

R&B Monthly Seminar: "In Jewish Blood" (Episode #3 -- Monday, August 29th, 2022)   https://rumble.com/embed/v1fbxuf/?pub=4

NGO Monitor Press @GeraldNGOM : “Even without any classified intelligence, open source information published...

“Even without any classified intelligence, open source information published by NGO Monitor clearly shows the links between the PFLP and the European-funded NGOs.” https://twitter.com/NGOmonitor/status/1566386094500974593?cxt=HBwWgsC8_dL29bwrAAAA&cn=ZmxleGlibGVfcmVjcw%3D%3D&refsrc=email  

Launching a “Hope for the Future” Campaign at the fall session of the UN...

To ask UNRWA donor nations to oversee   UNRWA schools, stop war advocacy , advocate  transparency and  advance resettlement of 6.7 million "refugees for perpetuity",  confined to  the indignity of 59 "temporary" refugee camps…...

Rafael Grossi Is the Last Man Standing For Nonproliferation

“Grossi is still the main obstacle to the finalization” of a nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers, proclaimed Nour News, an outlet frequently used by Iran’s supreme leader for unofficial commentary. Rafael Grossi, the...

Running for cover

Pick one of these definitions, and you will have a perfect explanation of current developments. “Attempt to guard yourself from a bad situation or from being criticised.” “Attempt to avoid the fallout from some negative outcome...

What UNRWA’s Leader Didn’t Tell the UN Security Council

Last Thursday, UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini gave a statement to the UN Security Council saying — as the agency has said every year for decades — that it is in existential danger. There is plenty...

Mahmoud Abbas’ “50 Holocausts” Remarks Are Part of the Palestinian Narrative

Institute for Contemporary Affairs Founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation Vol. 22, No. 19 Mahmoud Abbas’ remarks about the “50 holocausts” carried out by Israel and the subsequent international criticism catalyzed Palestinians to support the...

Approaching the Holocaust as a Moral Choice: Part VII: Providing Legitimacy for Murdering Civilians

Providing Legitimacy for Murdering Civilians When the German officers who fired on innocent women, children and the elderly were lawyers, their academic status is certain to have influenced the soldiers under their command. A comparable...

Will UNRWA Continue to Confine Descendants of Arab refugees from 1948 to...

Zoom briefing: Monday August 29 11am PST 2pm  EST 7pm  London 8pm  Stockholm 9pm  Tel Aviv   Update with Journalist David Bedein:  Topic: Will UNRWA  Continue to Confine Descendants of Arab refugees from 1948  to the indignity of 59 refugee camps? What can citizens of...