Al Ahram on Israel Scene and Peace Process

The following are excerpts from articles which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, Al-Ahram. A Watershed in Israel by Mohamed Sid-Ahmed David Levy's resignation should not be regarded as one other minister quitting Netanyahu's right-wing coalition, but...

Palestinian Policeman Served As Commander of the Gang of Death

The policeman, four other ringleaders and dozens of members of the terrorist cell have been arrested. The cell was responsible for the deaths of 21 Israelis and hundreds of wounded. They planned a series...

Mothers of Palestinian Prisoners Subjected to Humiliating Treatment by Palestinian Officials and Police

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) expresses its outrage at the behavior of a number of Palestinian officials and policemen towards mothers of Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons. The women were physically and...

Palestine Authority Officials Comment on American Attacks

Following are two recent references by senior Palestinian officials to the US missile strikes against Sudan and Afghanistan: 24th August, 1998 interview on Israel Army radio with Sufian Abu Zaida, head of the PA's Israel...

Palestinian Media 17th November – 23rd November, 1998

"Several days ago, the Islamic world commemorated the Isra and Mi'arage . Did you "seriously" celebrate the Isra and Mi'arage with all your heart? And by doing this, did you fulfill your obligations to...

Palestinian Security Forces: So Far So Bad

Four years ago, following the September 1996 opening of the Hasmonean Tunnel in Jerusalem, Palestinians policemen and Israeli soldiers exchanged heavy fire throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip leaving 69 Palestinians and 14...

Official PA radio news – the PBC Voice of Palestine – Oct 20/21

SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS In the lead-up to the Arab summit, there has once again been a strong escalation in strong rhetoric and atmospheric tension on the Voice of Palestine as shown in the broadcasts of...

Official PA Radio News: The PBC Radio, November 11

Evening Headlines 6 p.m., Saturday Evening Five youths became new martyrs in the confrontations with the Israeli occupation army, and more than 120 citizens were wounded; 25 citizens hit by live fire in Hebron; 46 citizens wounded...

Official PA Radio News the PBC Radio November 26

Summary and Analysis VOP has been taking an uncharacteristically low-key tone regarding Israeli casualties in the last few days. It is not only that Israeli civilian deaths and casualties, even in major attacks such as the...

Official Palestinian Authority Voice of Palestine Radio: Dec. 25

Summary and Analysis Christmas morning on the Voice of Palestine was marked by three key items: Holiday comments of Latin Patriarch Michel Sabah; Palestinian protest at the retention of "the bodies of two exalted martyrs" (including the...