Official PA media call for renewed Attacks Against Israel Only One Day After Arafat’s...

Barely one day after Yasser Arafat supposedly called for ending terror attacks on Israeli civilians, his official Palestinian television station broadcast ten minutes of films calling expressly for attacking the Israeli "enemy." The films which...

USAID To Monitor Transfer Of Funds From Israel To PA

December 10, 2002 Jerusalem ( - The U.S. Agency for International Development will help monitor the transfer of tax revenues from Israel to the Palestinian Authority to make sure they are not misused. Israel has withheld...

In an Emergency Government, We’ll Sit With Haredim

Shinui Chairman MK Tommy Lapid will meet with Labor Party Chairman Amram Mitzna, who phoned him yesterday and asked to speak to him about the election results. Lapid said at the opening of the...

The Nineteen Year Deceipt of the Islamic Jihad in the US

The indictment yesterday of the Islamic Jihad terrorist leadership operating out of the United States since 1984 was unprecedented in scope and magnitude. With 50 counts (166 pages), it revealed in fascinating detail the...

A Review of “Doodling for Saddam: The Use of Cartoons in Palestinian Newspaper to...

The Palestinian Authority is inciting its citizens against America, and the publication of anti-American sentiments in the government-controlled press proves it, an informed critic said here. David Bedein, bureau chief of the Israel Resource News...

Abu Mazen: More Radical Than Arafat

According to Yossi Beilin (Yediot Aharonot, March 11), the political "pragmatist" Abu Mazen, who "declares everywhere that he has foregone his dream of returning to his birthplace Safed," offers the last chance for a...

PM Ariel Sharon: What is Going on Inside of Him?

After the bus bombing at the Pat-Gilo intersection, in June 2002, in Sharon's previous term of office, he deviated from his usual custom and came to the site of the incident. They showed him...

A Blast Kills 2 Mothers, and Bewilders 2 Sons

The two elderly Israeli women, Elsa Cohen, 70, and Bianca Shachrur, 63, had so much in common. Both were born in Europe, survived World War II and came to Israel as adults, just a year...

Israel Cabinet Meets to Discuss Concerns about Mega-Terror attacks

Hudna or no hudna, yesterday the security cabinet discussed possible "mega-terror attack" scenarios. The director of the Anti-terrorism Headquarters, Danny Arditi, presented a staff paper prepared at the Prime Ministers Office which included preparations for...

Temple Mount Wall Collapses

One side of a wall in the Temple Mount compound - completely visible to Western Wall worshippers - collapsed on Tuesday, uncovering an area of some 40 square meters of dirt and fill. One side...