Plo Leadership Condemns Israel For Shooting Attacks On Jews

Several Palestinian officials and media outlets late last night and this morning (Monday) distributed criticisms of Israel for yesterday's Palestinian terror attacks, saying the shootings hurt Palestinian interests, after Israel closed down roads in...

Canada urged to help resolve Palestinian refugee debate

Canada is uniquely positioned to change the terms of debate about Palestinian refugees and push for their resettlement, an Israeli researcher says. As the second-largest funder of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for...

Israeli Ethnic discrimination: Arbitrary enforcement of the law in Israel?

Over the years, Israel has coped with homes and neighborhoods that were established without proper authorization or legal permits. In 1984, the Israel Ministry of Housing issued a report that over 10,000 homes were illegally...

IDF Moves Into Hebron With Orders To Fire On Jews

Acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has deployed top counter-insurgency units to demolish a small Jewish neighborhood in Hebron known as "The Shalhevet Neighborhood". Israeli security sources said military and police commanders have been given...

Abbas Steers Clear Of Condemning Attack

Following Monday's Palestinian bombing in a Tel Aviv restaurant which resulted in the deaths of nine people, the media was rampant with the news of a "clear condemnation of the bombing from Palestinian Authority...

A Journalist Presents Another Perspective for Kadima USA to Consider

According to the position paper issued by Kadima USA, issued on June 5th, 2006, the "current situation in Israel demands physical separation". However, there is more that meets the eye, when it comes to Kadima. Concerning...

Inside Israel’s Air Offensive in Lebanon

Israel has launched its first major offensive in Lebanon since 2000. Israel Air Force F-15 and F-16 fighter-jets struck suspected Hizbullah strongholds in such cities as Beirut and Tyre as well as missile arsenals throughout...

The Mideast’s Munich

HISTORIANS will look back at this weekend's cease-fire agreement in Lebanon as a pivotal moment in the war on terror. It is pivotal in the same sense that the Munich agreement between Adolf Hitler...

Children Challenge The System

Fifteen-year old Tirtza Sariel from the Jewish community of Elon Moreh has been held in the Russian Compound, a maximum security prison, for almost two months. The charge: throwing olives at Arabs. In order...


On Monday night, Israel's Foreign Minister Tzippy Livni met with the Machmud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen. Abbas has two identities, both of which he inherited from his mentor, Yassir Arafat - as...