What Citizens and Legislators From Donor nations Can Do to Correct UNRWA Indiscretions; Follow...

Two news items that may have escaped public attention of late: First news item Israeli troops were dispatched last week to the UNRWA refugee camp in Jenin, in order to arrest sharpshooters who were firing on...

Iraq – A Province of Iran?

http://www.danielpipes.org/ 9790/iraq-province-of-iran After American forces leave Iraq at the end of 2011, Tehran will try to turn its neighbor into a satrapy, i.e., a satellite state, to the great detriment of Western, moderate Arab, and...

Israel Knesset Member Dr. Aliza Lavie Interview with Dr. Harper of the InterMountain Christian...

Spread the Word! Israel Knesset Leader Dr. Aliza Lavie Interview Tuesday February 16, 2016 A.D. with Dr. Harper of the InterMountain Christian News regarding terrorism and other issues affecting Israel! Please see link below or...

The Palestinian Authority After Arafat

With Arafat out of the picture, the only difference between Arafat and his followers is that his successors wear business suits. Each PLO official who runs the Palestinian Authority maintains a clear record who continues...

What Really Happened When Muchmud Al-dirah, the 12 Year-old Was Shot Dead

The Jerusalem weekly, Kol Ha'zman, published in its Oct. 6 issue an interview with Talal Abu Rachmah, the TV photographer who filmed the death of Muchmud Al-dirah, the 12 year-old child shot dead at...

The Great American Losing Streak

http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/shlomo-avineri-takes-america-to-task-for-lacking-a-coherent-strategy-to-counter-russian-diplomatic-gains The interim agreement reached in Geneva between the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany (the P5+1) and Iran is probably the best deal to curtail Iran’s nuclear program that...

How Can the UN Address the Subject of Palestinian Refugees and Not Allow Israel...

This week, with funding from the Swiss government, UNRWA, the UN agency that is charged with handling refugee camps from the 1948 war, launched an international conference on what should have been a clear,...

Israel Wants End To Incitement As Part Of Peace Process

For the first time since the genesis of Middle East peace negotiations, more than 30 years ago, the government of Israel has placed the cessation of official Arab incitement to murder Jews as a...

Reviewing the US AID Report on Malnutrition

On Monday, August 5th, US AID, the Agency for International Development, Scheduled a press conference in Gaza to present their report on the state of malnutrition in the areas under the control of the...