Terrorism: How the US Ignored the Money Trail

Despite sanctions, terrorists like Osama bin Laden are able to use the international banking system to finance vast and expensive networks. In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee last week, Michigan Sen. Carl Levin explained...

Sharon’s Target is Arafat, not Hamas

The developments over the past two weeks have made it very clear that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is not fighting a war against Hamas, but one against Palestinian President Yasser Arafat. On the face...

Text of Fatah Declaration Concerning Attacks on Civilians

We are to give the efforts, exerted by the USA, the EU, The UN and the latest Barcelona declaration of the European council, a complete chance to succeed in achieving the long yearned settlement...

How Reporters were Forced to Downgrade the Report of a “Massacre.”

After two weeks of screaming headlines that proclaimed "Massacre in Jenin!", the news story from Jenin is slowly emerging. This follows the decision of the IDF to allow representatives of the Israeli and foreign...

The US State Department Fails to Interpret Arafat’s Endorsement of Murder

Last week IMRA noted that a proper understanding of call by Chairman Yasser Arafat that earned US President Bush's praise is that the Palestinians should continue killing soldiers and Israelis residing beyond the...

Taking Exception: Stop Blaming Europe

It came as more than a shock to open The Post over breakfast on a brief visit to the American capital last week, and to read in the column of a respected conservative journalist...

One Settler’s Response to David Newman’s Much Abridged History of Jewish Settlements

This is one "settler's" impromptu responses to David Newman's piece on "How the Settler Suburbs Grew" (New York Times, 21 May 2002). I am a resident of Alon Shevut in Gush Etzion, a "settlement," really...

Mofaz: “Scope of Terror Attacks Due to Increase”

"We cannot go back to the situation that existed before seder night. If the security measures don't work, we may have to carry out a deeper and broader operation," said Chief of Staff Lt....

2.63 of Palestinian Arab Deaths are Palestinian Arab Females

34 females as of May 30, 2002 (out of 1,293 victims) 2.63% of all Palestinian deaths. By age: 0-9: 7 20.59% 10-19: 6 17.65% 20-29: 3 8.82% 30-39: 2 5.88% 40-49: 6 17.65% 50-59: 7 20.59% 60-69: 1 2.94% 70-79: 1 2.94% 80:89: 0 90+: 0 age unknown: 1 2.94% Source: JMCC, the Jerusalem Media and Communications Center, a Palestinian Arab media agency in Jerusalem

Critics pressing U.N.R.W.A.

Efforts to investigate the United Nations Relief and Welfare Agency, which is accused of allowing terrorism to flourish in the refugee camps it services, are falling flat on Capitol Hill and in the United...