“Bush gave Abbas the impression he didn’t have to fight terror now”

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon yesterday voiced disappointment with the result of last Thursday's meeting between President George Bush and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Washington. "The Palestinians came out feeling no pressure to fight...

Official PA website blames Israel for those murdered by Documentation: Official PA website blames...

#1 PA now blames Israel PA website on 21 June 2005: "Israel's officially adopted policy of extra-judicial killings claimed the lives of six Palestinians, including two laborers, and a Chinese worker early in June." www.palestine-pmc.com/details.asp?cat=1&id=919 #2 PA...

“Abbas possesses more power over PA than he admits”

The head of the Shin Bet security services, Yuval Diskin, said on Wednesday that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas had more power in the PA than he claims to possess. Speaking during a security cabinet...

“We Consider any Israeli Withdrawal a Victory for Palestinians”

GAZA, Palestine, June 28, 2005 (IPC + Agencies) - - The Minister of Civil Affairs and in charge of the Israel Withdrawal Portfolio, Mohammed Dahlan, said that the Palestinian side would deal with any...

52%:44% Before implementing Disengagement – Investigate Former COS Ya’alon’s Allegations

The following are the results of a poll of a representative sample of 500 adult Israeli Jews carried out by Smith Research and Consulting on 12-13 July 2005 for The Center For Near East...

War With Palestinians in 2006

Israel expects another Palestinian war to erupt by thespring of 2006. Israeli military sources said Palestinian insurgency groups plan to widen the war from the Gaza Strip to the West Bank. They said military intelligence has...

Zarqawi Setting up Bases in Jordan, Gaza Strip?

Terror chief boasts of Eilat, Aqaba attack amid concerns of network expansion. JERUSALEM - A website affiliated with al-Qaida yesterday announced the terror groups' Iraq insurgency leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was responsible for last week's...

PA won’t disarm Hamas, Islamic Jihad

Hamas and Islamic Jihad announced on Monday that they have reached an agreement with the Palestinian Authority according to which the two groups would not be disarmed. The agreement was reportedly achieved during talks in...

Is the US Pressuring Israel to Allow “Safe Passage” for PLO Convoys to Traverse...

Plans are afoot by the US State Department to force ISrael to open a route from Gaza to the West Bank through the southern half of Israel. This has implications to cut Israel in...

Israel’s Policy Against Housing VIolations: A Contrast Between Enforcment in the Jewish and Arab...

Three years ago, Ehud Olmert, in his final year as Mayor of Jerusalem, cooperated in the publication of a 170 page study entitled "Illegal Housing in Jerusalem", http://jcpa.org/jlmbldg.htm, published by the Jerusalem Center for...